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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


Why are you running full VMs for something that can be put in a container? Sounds to me (without having any evidence or proof) that you’re running out of memory and you’re swapping and it’s taking forever. That’s what causes the VMs to slow/stop.

I’ll have to check this out. Have you run this in a container or just a native app?

Kind of. I’m thinking something along the lines of sonarr/radarr/etc but with the ability to play/stream the podcast instead of downloading it. I tend to use web interfaces of stuff like that at work and can’t really use my phone. Maybe I’ll have to look into a roll-your-own solution using some existing stuff. Was hoping I wouldn’t have to.

Self-hosted podcast aggregator/streamer, NOT downloader
So I'm looking for a solution that is a self-hosted (docker preferably) podcast streamer/aggregator. I DO NOT NEED A DOWNLOADER. Ideally, I'd be able to add RSS feeds and stream them through a web interface that will keep track of progress, etc. I'm not talking about something that serves up downloaded podcasts either, I can do that in Plex/Jellyfin.

Having your ISP do your port forwarding seems alien to me as that’s not the norm where I am. Since it seems like a standard thing where you are, you may run the risk of another ISP doing the same thing. Personally, if the price is right, I’d take the latency hit and get a VPS and route all inbound traffic through that via wireguard.