not much

  • 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Dec 08, 2022


Cloudron is kind of a freemium product. They offer a few apps (two ?) for free to use. For more apps you need to pay. Their back-end does have a view-source-but-no-edit “open source” license last time I checked. Bu if you want to keep things easy, go for it.

I’ve tried Snikket a few years ago. Nice project. 👍

Nice. Can you edit the subject from your post and add the word howto or guide or something ? That could be nicer for people searching for solutions.

SCSI was creme de la creme ages ago! Is it not a matter of going in its BIOS, configure the hardware RAID (go for mirror only!?), endure the noise it probably makes, and install ? :)

If your real SMTP server is doing fine, nullmailer is possibly the simplest of all smtp relay packages available.

Run Caddy as reverse proxy for example : Syntax is pretty simple and Caddy can automatically do the SSL certificate handling for you as well. No need to install Certbot.

Co-op Cloud
Public interest infrastructure. An alternative to corporate clouds built by tech co-ops. A bit similar to Yunohost.