• 5 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Yeah I love it. Also if you are stuck with outlook. Use Caldav synchronizer it is a add-on you can use with outlook to sync calendars with nextcloud.

Any storage shut be raid or a form their of in a ideal world. The storage where backups are stored a defiantly yes raid shut be a very high priority.

Personally I prefer Rocky linux. Default to using SElinux which I also like. not a big fan of debian though as things are quite old and sometimes outdated for my needs.

I in fact run a AD domain controller *and *a rhel IDM controller. For me other then it is fun to play with, makes it a load more simple to manage the user accounts of my famalie. Also auto mounting network shares and setting a few policys for updates and security is great to from a central location. having SSO for many if my services also makes it more easy to use for the fam. The rhel IDM controller I use to manage a few user accounts. I also use it to manage the ssh keys and set sudo rules on all my servers.

From my understanding is that Proxmox is one of the more easy platforms to learn. I must say iI never used it personally.

Joining a QNAP to a AD Domain.
Hello all! I have recently started in building up a AD domain and it is coming along well. I also like to join my existing QNAP TS H886 to this domain. I have one concern how ever. their are some local usernames that are the same as the usernames in the domain. Will this cause any conflicts? can the NAS still be accessed with a local account even when it is joined to the domain? if yes can i transfer files from the local users to the folder of the domain users? So migrating from the local user accounts of the QNAP to the user accounts in the domain.

How to properly setup local certificate authorities for sub domains?
Hello everyone, A bit of background on how things are configured: I have many local services and am in the process of setting up two local domains, namely **local1.publick.com** and **local2.publick.com**. I own the domain name publick.com and manage it through Cloudflare. Local1 is for the Windows domain and is using Active Directory, while local2 is for the Linux domain and is using RHEL IDM. Now, as I am also exploring Single Sign-On (SSO) with Keycloak and a few other things, I would like to properly set up SSL for all these subdomains. Can I configure two local certificate authorities? One for local1.public.com and another for local2.publick.com? I would then use these to create certificates for service.local1.publick.com and service.local2.publick.com. Since the AD domain controller and RHEL IDM controller are authoritative for these two domains, can I still integrate two CAs with this setup?

question about self hosting SSO for multiple domains and services.
Hello, everyone. I am planning to set up Single Sign-On (SSO). I wonder if I can use something like Red Hat SSO with two separate domains. I have one domain for Windows AD and one for Linux IDM. My idea is to use Red Hat SSO so that both domains will be able to access the same services. For example, I have one Nextcloud instance, and I would like users from both domains to use it with SSO.

What can also be a good option is urbackup. it supports different operating systems full image backups of windows clients. Not entirely sure if it supports image backups of a linux clients how ever.

Not the intended usecase but fogproject can be used to pull images. Then later you can just PXE boot and place a image back on to a differen system.

Still i think borg would be better for actual backups.

Snapahots are not backups!

Snapshots are near instand in ZFS or BTRFS. Also they do not consome much CPU to make them.

Backups are not stored in the same device. What i use to make backups is a combination of borg and urbackup.

Can i use mailcow on a dynamic IP with DDNS-updater for my usecase?
Hello everyone, I am currently running a server with the Pterodactyl panel for various game servers, and it has been working great for several years. However, I would like to set up a system for Pterodactyl to send out password reset emails when necessary. I am considering using Mailcow on the same host specifically for this purpose. Currently, I am using an application named DDNS-Updater to automatically update all records on Cloudflare when my IP changes. While my IP doesn't change often, it can happen; it occurred once this year. Would this pose an issue for a mail server? If the emails end up in the spam folder, it is not a major concern since they are only password reset emails. However, it is crucial that the emails reach the intended recipients. Thank you.

luckily power wise is a non issue in my case. I can always migrate to a newer system down the road. but I have to start with it on something. so the R710 it is for the time being. Thanks for your input!

is a dell R710 with 2x x5690 enough for my use case?
Hello everyone! I'm looking to set up Active Directory at home along with RHEL IDM, but I only have one available Dell R710 for this purpose. My plan is to install XCP-NG on the Dell R710, accompanied by a small VM running Xen Orchestra Community Edition for management. Additionally, I intend to create two main VMs: one with Windows Server for Active Directory and a second one with Linux running RHEL IDM. My primary concern revolves around the CPU and whether it will be sufficient to run this setup. The Windows Server will also serve as the DHCP and DNS server for my network, which includes multiple VLANs.

Seems very intresting. Coupled with greenbone this is excelent.

seems likea FOG server: https://fogproject.org/ is what you need.

A awesome project and greatly simplifies the PXE boot process. You have a repo of images you have setup ready to go and be installed.