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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


If you just wanted email forwarding, cloudflare support it. If I remember correctly, it’s included in their free plan

I always like the idea of home assistant, but I haven’t figured out a practical automation for my home. Maybe you can share some of your most useful automation?

I only have a few services:

  • jellyfin (media server)
  • firefly iii (expense manager)
  • freshrss (rss aggregator)
  • personal telegram bot to auto convert news link to epub for reading in my ereader

All of the service other than jellyfin is hosted on a vps. Jellyfin is hosted from my home and can be accessed remotely via wireguard. However because my isp doesn’t provide a public ip, I need to use my vps as wireguard jump host

Client <-> vps <-> home server