• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 11, 2023


I just got a Ubiquti Dream Machine that can do fail over so the other connection won’t be completely wasted but $70 per month could be saved by finding another way.

New apartment Internet has no port forwarding, admin login
Pro: 1Gb upload and download speeds on free Internet provided by the HOA. Con: As a self hoster, I have zero control over it. No port forwarding, no DMZ, no bridge mode. It's Starbucks free WiFi with a wired connection. Option A: Buy Google Fiber and don't use free Internet. Option B: Create some elaborate tunnel through a VPS. My public self hosted activities are fairly low bandwidth (password manager, SSH). I have a vague idea that I could point my domain to a low cost VPS that has a VPN tunnel into my home network for any incoming connection needs. That may require me to fill in port forwards on both systems but whatever. Tailscale is serving most of my remote needs but I still need a few ports. This does **not** fix the issue of online gaming port forwards (Nintendo Switch online requires a huge forwarded range for best performance) but oh well for now. UPDATE: I think they're using this system. https://www.cambiumnetworks.com/markets/multi-family-living/ The personal Wi-Fi overview makes it clear each AP is given it's own VLAN which sounds a whole lot like the whole building is sharing one IP and there's no way I'm going to get my own Internet access. They even detail how you can roam the building and maintain your WiFi connection across your neighbor's and the common areas APs. This is the IPV4 future.

What I need is a 10g storage for my Adobe suite that I can access from my MacBook. I need redundant, fault tolerant storage for my precious data. I need my self hosted services to be high availability. What’s the minimum spec to reach that? I started on the u.2 path when I saw enterprise u.2 drives at similar cost per GB as SATA SSDs but faster and crazy endurance. And when my kid wants to run a Minecraft server with mods for him and his friends, I better have some spare CPU cycles and RAM to keep up.

I looked at Epyc because I wanted to bandwidth to run u.2 drives at full speed and it wasn’t until Epyc or Threadripper that you could get much more than 40 lanes in a single socket. I’ve got to find another way to saturate 10g and give up on 25g. My home automation is run on a Home Assistant Yellow and works perfectly, for what it does.

What’s your server wattage?
I'm in the process of wiring a home before moving in and getting excited about running 10g from my server to the computer. Then I see 25g gear isn't that much more expensive so I might was well run at least one fiber line. But what kind of three node ceph monster will it take to make use of any of this bandwidth (plus run all my Proxmox VMs and LXCs in HA) and how much heat will I have to deal with. What's your experience with high speed homelab NAS builds and the electric bill shock that comes later? Epyc 7002 series looks perfect but seems to idle high.

Secure portal between Internet and internal services
I thought I was going to use Authentik for this purpose but it just seems to redirect to an otherwise Internet accessible page. I'm looking for a way to remotely access my home network at a site like remote.mywebsite.com. I have Nginx proxy forwarding with SSL working appropriately, so I need an internal service that receives the traffic, logs me in, and passes me to services I don't want to expose to the Internet. My issue with Authentik is if I need to access questionable internal websites I have to make an Internet accessible subdomain. I don't want authentik.mywebsite.com to redirect to totallyillegal.mywebsite.com. I want it to redirect to Is there anything that does that?

Proxmox HA, Docker Swarm, Kubrenetes, or what?
I've gotten to the point where I have more than a few servers in my homelab and am looking for a way to increase reliability in case of an update. Two problems: 2 of the servers will be on Wifi and one is a Synology NAS. I can't do any wiring but I can put together a WiFi 6E network for the servers only, That means buying 4 Wifi 6E devices in a mix of types. As for Synology, it's container manager is a little odd so I expect to run a Linux VM and use that as my cluster node. That may mean buying more RAM as I haven't upgraded it. Hardware ranges from a 6 core CPU on the NAS (with a few important docker containers), 8 core on my main SFF server (which also runs my OpnSense VM inside Proxmox), 16 core Ryzen on my old big server, and a 10 year old NUC for fun. So the question is what do I use to orchestrate all the services I have. My Vaulwarden runs reliability but only on one system. I want better reliability for Pihole that automatically syncs settings. The NAS' docker implementation doesn't support gravity sync. Since everything I do runs in docker besides storage it seems Proxmox clusters is not the best option. That puts me between K8s and Docker Swarm. I'd like something that is simple to administer but resilien when hardware fails.