• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Both great projects I would also put librephotos to the equation with its feature rich unofficial android client Uhuru photos

All have great android apps and great Dev base

Have tried all three and also tried every other selfhosted image gallery

Photoprim is overall the most mature and complete in features

Yes it requires a third party app to sync your assets but the auto index feature if you sync to their webdav endpoint is killer. This means the proccess from the moment of taking a picture till it shows up in your photoprism gallery is “instant”

Also the unofficial android client is super great and almost android TV compatible


To be honest there is not a fair answer You really have to hey them all


Photoprism librephotos

Both have excelent android clients

owntracks with mutual tls
Managed to spin up owntracks with mtls on android-mosquitto connection also the browser-recorder webui connection I was unable to enable tls on the recorder-mosquitto connection. Just basic auth. But I think the setup is secure enough as recorder connects to mosquitto only in the local network Please have a look https://ippocratis.github.io/p/owntracks/ Thanks

With nginx


With caddy


I oersonaly run fpm with caddy

Remember to create your admin account on first run and then add your trusted domain


  • navigate to localhost:8080
  • create admin acount
  • write down your credestials

allowed domains

  • docker ps
  • copy container id of nextcloud:fpm
  • docker exec --user www-data container_id php occ config:system:set trusted_domains 2 --value=your_domain_name_here
  • docker stop container_id
  • docker start container_id

Mosquitto offers mutual tls client certificates authentication

I like this hardened approach

Fan fact : I was able to setup mtls with android-mosquitto

It is the ot-recorder that cant “talk” tls with mosquitto

owntracks recorder with mosquitto docker containers and android client over mtls
I'm struggling to achieve the title setup I have been using owntracks with normal tls over http I can connect recorder with mosquitto without tls and I can connect android app with mosquitto over mtls What I cant do is mtls over recorder and moaquitto If anyone managed the above setup please provide a "howto" Thanks