• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023

Question about mounting ZFS pool
Hello, I have had a pool of two hard drives in a mirror pool for some time but the OS got corrupted and I reinstalled the OS. Now I am on Linux Mint and my pool does not appear any more. When I use zpool import it says no pool available to import, I have looked around online and found you can import a zpool by specifying the drives, so I used zpool import -f -d /dev/sda1 -f -d /dev/sdb1 internal I get back my pool > pool: internal state: ONLINE scan: scrub repaired 0B in 00:08:39 with 0 errors on Tue Jun 18 18:38:40 2024 config: NAME STATE READ WRITE CKSUM internal ONLINE 0 0 0 mirror-0 ONLINE 0 0 0 sdb ONLINE 0 0 0 sda ONLINE 0 0 0 errors: No known data errors But I am unable to mount the pool, zfs mount internal returns >cannot mount 'internal': legacy mountpoint use mount(8) to mount this filesystem I tried using mount but I am not having any success, saying mount: internal: can't fin in /etc/fstab. Is there any chance to get this pool back on the computer or is it a lost cause. Thank you for the help.

Yeah definitely wanting the redundancy, most of what I will be storing will not be life changing if lost just a big inconvenience, and for the life changing stuff I plan on having it backed up to cloud storage.

Thank you for that will have to have a look into it since I am quite new and I am not completely sure how to go about things in a way to not regret it later down the line in half a year or so.

Beginner questions about ZFS and how to use my drives.
Hello, I currently have a home server mainly for media, in which I have an SSD for the system and 2 6TB hard drives set up in raid 1 using mdadm, its the most I can fit in the case. I have been getting interested in ZFS and wanting to expand my storage since it's getting pretty full. I have 2 12TB external hard drives. My question is can I create a pool (I think that's what they are called), using all 4 of these drives in a raidz configuration, or is this a bad idea? (6TB+6TB) + 12TB + 12TB, should give me 24TB, and should work even if one of the 6TB or 12TB fails if I understand this correctly. How would one go about doing this? Would you mdadm the 2 6TB ones into a raid 0 and then create a pool over that? I am also just dipping my toes now into Nixos so having a resource that would cover that might be useful since the home server is currently running Debian. This server will be left at my parents house and would like it to have minimal onsite support needed. Parents just need to be able to turn screen on and use the browser. Thank you