• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023

# 🎁 Where to get it? [TriliumNext Stable Release](https://github.com/TriliumNext/Notes/releases) # ❔ Why TriliumNext? [TriliumNext ](https://github.com/TriliumNext/Notes) has started as a fork of Trilium Notes at the beginning of 2024. The reason for the work is that the upstream project has entered [maintenance phase](https://github.com/zadam/trilium/issues/4620) and we would like to extend the application. The work so far has focused more on the technical aspects because most of the work has been done by u/zadam and handing over a project of this size is non-trivial. Some more technical work will be done in the upcoming versions after which the project can focus on improving the user experience as much as possible. Some of the current features are listed below and can be found on the [readme](https://github.com/TriliumNext/Notes#-features): - 🎄 Notes can be arranged into arbitrarily deep tree. Single note can be placed into multiple places in the tree (see [cloning](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/cloning-notes) - 📝 Rich WYSIWYG note editing including e.g. tables, images and [math](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/text-notes) with markdown [autoformat](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/text-notes#autoformat) - ✏️ Support for editing [notes with source code](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/code-notes), including syntax highlighting - 🔍 Fast and easy [navigation between notes](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/note-navigation), full text search and [note hoisting](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/note-hoisting) - 🔢 Seamless [note versioning](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/note-revisions) - #️⃣ Note [attributes](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/attributes) can be used for note organization, querying and advanced [scripting](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/scripts) - 🔁 [Synchronization](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/synchronization) with self-hosted sync server (there's a [3rd party service for hosting synchronisation server](https://trilium.cc/paid-hosting)) - 🌍 [Sharing](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/sharing) (publishing) notes to public internet - 🔐 Strong [note encryption](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/protected-notes) with per-note granularity - 🖼️ Sketching diagrams with built-in Excalidraw (note type "canvas") - 🗺️ [Relation maps](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/relation-map) and [link maps](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/link-map) for visualizing notes and their relations - 👨‍💻 [Scripting](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/scripts) - see [Advanced showcases](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/advanced-showcases) - 🤖 [REST API](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/etapi) for automation - ⬆️ Scales well in both usability and performance upwards of 100 000 notes - 📱 Touch optimized [mobile frontend](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/mobile-frontend) for smartphones and tablets - 🌃 [Night theme](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/themes) - 📥 [Evernote](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/evernote-import) and [Markdown import & export](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/markdown) - ✂️ [Web Clipper](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/web-clipper) for easy saving of web content **Upcoming Improvements** ``` 🔡Support for multiple languages. (Work underway) 🚦Improving the existing theme and decluttering the UI. 📱Mobile improvements. ⌨️Exploring additional editors such as a MarkDown-based editor. 📓Improving existing documentation. (Work underway) ``` # ⬆️ Porting from Trilium Notes? There is no change in the database structure. TriliumNext Notes can be run instead of the original Trilium Notes and it should work out of the box, since it will reuse the same database. It should also be possible to downgrade back to Trilium Notes if required, without any changes or loss of data. Similarly goes for the server, it should work out of the box. It is possible to mix and match between Trilium Notes and TriliumNext Notes. Do you use Helm Charts? [We've got you covered!](https://github.com/TriliumNext/helm-charts) # 🐞 How stable is it? Generally you should not encounter any breaking bugs as the prior versions have been tested and daily-driven for a few weeks now. Should you encounter any issue, feel free to report them on our [GitHub issues](https://github.com/TriliumNext/Notes/issues). # ✨ Key Fixes/Improvements **v0.90.4 (Stable)** ``` Re-introduced ARM builds Docker container marked as not healthy Find/Replace dialog doesn't match theme Tray icon is missing on windows Error when Duplicating sub-tree of note that contains broken internal trilium link Update available points to Trilium download instead of TriliumNext ``` **v0.90.3 (Stable)** ``` Fixed Error importing zip file Fixed Alt+Left and Alt+Right navigation would not work under Electron. Added a fresh new icon to represent our ongoing effort to improve Trilium. ``` **v0.90.2-beta** ``` Fixed some issues with the sync. Ported the server from Common.js to ES modules. Updated the CKEditor from 41.0.0 to 41.4.2. Updated Electron from 25.9.8 (marked as end-of-life) to 31.2.1. Started adding support for internationalization (#248). The application will soon be able to be translated into multiple languages. Improved error management for scripting ``` **v0.90.1-beta** ``` Introduced a Windows installer instead of the .zip installation.  Bug fixes related to the TypeScript port of the server. ``` **v0.90.0-beta** ``` On a technical side, the server was rewritten in TypeScript. (This should improve the stability of both current and future developments thanks to the language's type safety. It will also make the development slightly easier.) ````___`

We actually plan to be able to do this! I am a OneNote convert and was able to convert everything to Trilium with quite minimal formatting issues.

I meant the title as a tounge and cheek reference, but I wasn’t obvious about it!

I actually quite like the simplistic UI, but this is actually a focus of the new TriliumNext organization - to improve the UI.

TLDR: After the fantastic [Trilium Notes entered maintenance mode](https://github.com/zadam/trilium/issues/4620), a significant group of community members (*including myself*) have committed to moving the project forward. 🎁 An official backward-compatible [TriliumNext Notes](https://github.com/TriliumNext/Notes) release should be available soon! If you haven't heard of Trilium Notes (Or TriliumNext Notes), you should check it out. For an example of what TriliumNotes looks like, you can check out the slightly outdated [screenshot tour](https://triliumnext.github.io/Docs/Wiki/screenshot-tour). Trilium Notes is IMO the best truly open, and truly libre note taking software that exists. Originally coming from OneNote, I've tried many...many alternatives, and it has been a joy switching to TriliumNotes. 🍻 This free (gratis), open-source, self-hosted, personal wiki/note software offers all the following with no nags, no paywall and no restricted features - you get all the goodies up front! * Note cloning (notes can exist in multiple locations at once) * Interactive note visualization maps * Various note types (canvas, mermaid diagrams, web view, relation map, code, etc) * Various bulk folder import and export options (HTML, Markdown, Text) * Revision history (and recent changes view) * Scripting (Very powerful - automate tagging, deletion, etc) * Full documented ETAPI for external scripting or development * Browser extension for web clipping * Fast fuzzy search & advanced search (search by tags, parent note, size, etc) * Sharing notes with a public url with a simple toggle * Encrypted notes * Extensive and versatile note tagging (inheritable tags, relationship tags, etc) * Note note tabs, zen mode, multi-note views * Note archiving * Note linking and embedding (embed notes inside other notes) * Full wysiwyg editor (with markdown and math syntax completion) - external editors supported * Unlimited note nesting * Daily note journaling feature * Extendable with widgets, custom plugins, themes, scripts, etc * Customizable keyboard shortcuts (and VIM keyboard bindings) * Automatic note syncing to server (or other clients that are setup in 'server' mode) * Automatic backups * Cross platform (Windows, Mac, Linux, Flathub, Docker - very simple compose) * Good documentation, [Matrix](https://matrix.to/#/#triliumnext:matrix.org) support chat, Github Discussion forums, [awesome lists](https://github.com/Nriver/awesome-trilium) The main downsides are: * The mobile (android) app currently is only for composing notes (not for reading other notes on the server). You must use the mobile browser version (which works quite well) to get a 'fuller' experience. (The new TriliumNext project does plan to improve the mobile experience). * Only one user per server is currently supported (this is a high priority for the TriliumNext team) * Some people don't like database note taking software since they prefer files in a directory, but this isn't an issue for me since I can automate the export of TriliumNotes (using the api) and save the notes to Nextcloud or my local file system for easy viewing. 📢 If this project interests you, you can follow the progress on [github](https://github.com/TriliumNext/Notes) and get involved if you would like to see this project flourish! There are [teams](https://github.com/orgs/TriliumNext/teams) to help with development, issue triaging, documentation, testing, etc. 🗳️ If you'd like to [vote on the new TriliumNext logo](https://github.com/orgs/TriliumNext/discussions/272), you can do that too! Happy Note Taking!)

debian\ubuntu vm on proxmox. Then you can snapshot the whole deal and take easy backups of everything using proxmox backup server.

The issue could still be a fail-to-band issue if fail-to-band is looking at the user agent string (I’m not sure fail to ban looks at the user agent string, but it might be worth checking out.). The user agent string would likely be different on a mobile app versus a browser login.

Nextcloud maps works reasonably well although mobile view isn’t great.

There is a mobile view plugin that makes the mobile pwa much more usable.

The two main ones that come to mind that I use are open sense and home assistant which both have add-ons to backup directly to next cloud

Otp manager is a well integrated 2fa code app Many services like opnsense and others have backup features that integrate with nextcloud.

Memories photos is really good.

Nextcloud Memories has good video transcoding support.

I’d go with Proxmox with a docker VM then you can always run other VMS or lxc containers if needed.