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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 08, 2023


My process for project identification has been:

  1. Be annoyed at ads/payment structure/whatever in some app or service
  2. Search https://alternativeto.net/ for alternatives to the thing I’m annoyed with (filtering by Open Source and my devices)
  3. Try out 1-2 of the top alternatives
  4. Settle on what service I want to run
  5. Install, route the subdomain, etc. if necessary (otherwise just access via my tailnet)

As for how to deploy, docker / podman are great! With podman I’d recommend looking into their systemd integrations too. Incus is a neat LXC option too, meant more for longer term services (less micro service focused, good and bad).

Hope this helps!

Real men use Incus NixOS containers for reproducible builds instead of wimpy dockerfiles 😤😤

/s – for real though, I hope someday you finally remove the stick from where the sun doesn’t shine ;)

What no love for Incus round these parts?

I see a lot of love for proxmox in this thread.

Word of warning from my experience, sometimes PfSense seems to get confused with virtual interfaces. It works flawlessly once it’s up and running, but every time I reboot I have to assign interfaces. It will hang until I do so and will not completely come back online until I manually intervene.

Oh cool! I didn’t realize pandoc was extensible enough to deal with this kind of conversion. I’ll give it a look!

With the rise of these .md based personal knowledge database applications it would be amazing to see some conversion software.

I understand that each has their special sauce. Does anyone know what would be the most difficult part about building a tool like that to copy in Logseq data to SB for example?