• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


[Promoting] My self-hosted website about self-hosting: Self-Host It.
Looking for feedback and suggestions for my self-hosting website. Let me know if you'd like to see anything added.

I will definitely do both of those things. Thank you for pointing that out! When my previous server crapped out on me and I migrated over I had to redo a bunch of the images and I must have missed some. Let me know if you find anymore that are broken.

Also, I will soon be editing some of the older basic articles to include actual reviews like the newer ones. My old server didn’t allow me to spin things up as easily as my current one in Proxmox does. With my current setup it’s much easier to spin something up, play around with it, do a review, and delete it when I’m done.

Edit: I’ve fixed both of those things. Let me know if that font size is better.

My newish self hosting website: Self-Host It
Any suggestions and feedback is welcome. Let me know if there's anything you'd like to see added to the site. Edit 1: per request I've increased the font size in articles to make them easier to read.