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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


First ones that come to mind are:

https://www.bookstackapp.com/ - sets out your uploaded data like books. Can do books, chapters, pages, etc.

https://www.dokuwiki.org/DokuWiki - more standard wiki, also everything is stored in plain text so it’s easy to distribute and use source control on (no database backend)

https://tiddlywiki.com/ - full fledged wiki, bit different layout though since it’s all on one page. Clicking an internal link scrolls to that page so it’s pretty quick.

All are free and open source, almost certain they all have docker images too. I haven’t tried any of them but I’ve looked into them since I’ve been thinking about it

As much as I like fully self hosting, I ended up paying for Plex lifetime and have it running in docker. It was $120, but has already paid for itself twice over since I managed to convince my wife to drop hbo max, Netflix, and a couple others. She isn’t technical at all so she was hesitant, but she likes plex. If she can’t find what she wants to watch on our few streaming services (paid for by our cell provider, otherwise they’d be cancelled too), she can add it to the watchlist on Plex and radarr or sonarr will download it automatically and make it available on plex pretty quickly (or she’ll tell me to get it and let her know when it’s done).

I could open my Plex server to more family or friends, but most of them either pirate stuff themselves or are fine with paying for streaming services for the ease of use.

Not bad at all, set it to sync the photos on my phone with the app and imported photos I had on a drive previously, I still need to get a download of all of my Google photos that aren’t on my phone though

Moved to immich from Google photos recently, it’s an awesome replacement and the ml stuff works really well actually

I’ve been trying to get docker swarm running across my 4 rpi’s, but traefik hasn’t been able to discover services (can find them on the same node if the network is a bridge, can’t find anything with overlay network) which has been frustrating to try to figure out the problem. That said, here is what I plan to host on the swarm:

  • traefik
  • grocy
  • nextcloud
  • vaultwarden
  • plex
  • nginx (portfolio website that I currently just have on GitHub pages)
  • lemmy instance (for some of you beautiful bastards)
  • readarr, sonarr, readarr, lidarr, prowlarr, sabnzb, and qbittorrent