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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 13, 2023

Cloud Hosted VMs
Not sure if cloud hosted VMs count as selfhosted for the purposes of this community, but I run a lot of services at the house and want to have a few services that require high availability run in a cloud external to my home. Specifically, I want to run Vaultwarden, an email server and a VPN. My question is one of recommendations. Which cloud service provides the best uptime/stability and is ethical enough for consideration? The ethics of some of these larger companies are no small part of the reason I chose to self host the majority(hopefully all soon) of the services that I use. So for instance Amazon and Microsoft are out. I currently use DigitalOcean for Vaultwarden, Zoho for domain email, and Nord for my VPN. Edit: Thank you to everyone who provided recommendations and information. I have chosen to stick with DigitalOcean for VM hosting for the time being. General consensus seems to be positive. I am working on self-hosting email much to the chagrin of some of the posters here with experience. I want to see how it works for me and am willing to deal with some headaches along the way. Time will tell whether I move that direction for my actual email or give up and use a ready made solution like proton. Time will also tell how much hair I have left when all is said and done after pulling it all out, lol. Again, thank you to everyone who shared their knowledge and experience.

Your reason to move from OMV is the same as mine for XCP-ng. It is supposed to be a better hypervisor, but I just did not like the UI at all. It doesn’t help that you have to host a small VM just to have a webGUI.

For the hypervisor I recommend either Proxmox or XCP-ng. XCP-ng is technically a better hypervisor, but I personally use Proxmox because I like the UI.

For the NAS OS, I use and recommend TrueNAS Scale. You can run Docker containers on it. All this being said, I’ve never used Unsaid so I don’t know how they compare.

Out of curiosity, why move from OMV? I was thinking about trying it out for a second NAS.