• 5 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


So do you run a tailscale exit node on one of the public clouds or a VPS provider like DigitalOcean?

huh. Never thought about public pihole servers. So nice of those folks running them.

I don’t understand how you’re saying you’ve stopped self-hosting VPN and are still using tailscale. Are you using their SaaS service? Does that allow you to set your own DNS? Do they have speed limits? Are they zero-logs?

Adblock and VPN all in one?
I love PiHole. I've used it in the past and it was powerful! I also use an OpenVPN/Wireguard based VPN. So is there a service that combines the two features? Lets me import adblock lists and also VPN configurations? Preferably something that runs in a docker container that I can throw upon portainer and running within minutes! Thanks!

Never done that before. Interesting! Will try that out and see what happens.

I use and love zerotier. Just that using it on mobile is a bit of an effort with the VPN. Also, it doesn’t seem to support DNS like cloudflared does? Am I missing something in zerotier or is the only way you can access your servers is by IP address?

What’s wrong with using cloudflared?
I read a comment on here some time ago where the person said they were using cloudflared to expose some of their self-hosted stuff to the Internet so they can access it remotely. I am currently using it to expose my RSS feed reader, and it works out fine. I also like the simplicity of Cloudflare's other offerings. Any thoughts on why cloudflared is not a good idea? What alternatives would you suggest? How easy/difficult are they to setup?

Replacement for Docker Desktop on Windows?
Folks, I have a node.js script running on my Windows machine that uses the dockerode npm package to talk to docker on said box and starts and kills docker containers. However, after the containers have been killed off, docker still holds on to the memory that it blocked for those containers and this means downstream processes fail due to lack of RAM. To counter this, I have powershell scripts to start docker desktop and to kill docker desktop. All of this is a horrid experience. On my Mac, I just use Colima with Portainer and couldn't be happier. I've explored some options to replace Docker Desktop and it seems Rancher Desktop is a drop-in replacement for Docker Desktop, including the docker remote API. 1. Is this true? Is Rancher Desktop that good of a drop-in replacement? 2. Does Rancher Desktop better manage RAM for containers that have been killed off? Or does it do the same thing as Docker Desktop and hold on to the RAM? Are there other options which I'm not thinking of which might solve my problems? I've seen a few alternatives but haven't tried them yet - moby, \ containerd, \ podman I don't actually need the Docker Desktop interface. So pure CLI docker would also just work. How are you all running pure docker on Windows boxes?

Self-hosted GitHub alternative?
Folks, I'm looking for a self-hosted GitHub alternative that I can just plop into Portainer as a docker-compose and get working. My main interest is in something that sort of works with GitHub - if there's a way I can pull repos from GitHub into this self-hosted git using a webUI and maybe even push my changes to repos on GitHub, that would be nice. I'm not hard-and-fast on this though as this is mostly an experiment right now and I don't know why I need this. What are you folks using to host your super secret local code and why?

out of all those, I’m most curious about that MQTT server. What’s your usecase for that? These CPUs don’t support anything more than 16GB RAM, so there’s that :)

Thank you for the link!! I’m gonna swallow that site if I can. 😆

No clients. Just me and another family member. I’d love to hear how you’d serve up a dozen containers on that. How much RAM? 16 gigs?

I’m considering using it either as a plex server with transcoding, or for CI/CD work using github actions to do some data pipelines and npm builds.

huh… I’ve not yet come across LibreWolf. Thanks for pointing me in that direction!

It’s a mini PC (literally just a box). 8/16GB DDR4 RAM, 128/256/512GB 2.5 HDD, processor model options are Intel N5105/N100/N5095/J4125/N95. WIFI5 and Bluetooth 4. 2 USB 2s, 2 USB 3. No USB-C. Windows 11 Pro preloaded (ugh).

But more importantly, how have you configured your browser? It’s a direct link to Aliexpress with no tracking middleware. Have you just blocked shopping sites to stay away from them?

I only have myself and a family member. It’s mostly local use, but I do tend to use on multiple platforms - tv, phone, tablet. So my current setup does get around to transcoding a lot. Thanks for telling me about your gen4 i5 running a bunch of docker containers :)

The link points to the J4125 priced at USD99. I’m thinking of the second one - 8GB/256GB N5105. Or maybe even the N100, since it has more RAM on it.

What do folks think about these N5105s?
I've been eyeing these devices for some time now. The price point is... delicious! I saw some opensource-ish project one day that mentioned that they are building an OS around Plex and other media servers and using these N5105s and selling the package for USD500ish (I think). So I went hunting for the hardware and found it on Aliexpress for that cheap (sub USD200). Does anyone have experience running these? How hard is it to get Ubuntu running on them? I dislike that they ship with Windows 11. Would be a few bucks cheaper if they shipped with Ubuntu or no OS, right? Also, what about running docker on them? Can they support your usual homelab stuff? Portainer, Pi-hole, *arr softwares, a dashboard, etc.