• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023

Hadn't seen this here yet, a co-worker of mine sent it my way so I'm just spreading the word. Looks interesting, to say the least! Anyone tried this out or had any other experience with it yet?

Simple, checkmark based, multi-user tasks app suggestions?
Anyone have any good suggestions for a simple, multi-user tasks App? I used Keep for a long while, and have been using Nextcloud for the past few years...but every Nextcloud upgrade lately it seems I hit new bugs and since I don't use Nextcloud for a while lot else I'm considering just parting ways with it. That all being said, requirements I'm looking for would be the following: - Easily accessible on iOS and Android (native app is a big plus) - Simple interface with basic checkmark boxes that you can check off and the task disappears to some sort of "completed" list. No fancy markdown/etc. needed - Ability to share certain 'lists' with other users, so my wife and I can see shared lists - A Web UI is another huge plus - Self hosted is big obviously, but at the end of the day I just want something simple and reliable If Nextcloud tasks is still among the better options I'll keep limping it along just figured I might as well see if anything new has popped up since I last went down this road. Thanks all!

Fwiw, you can do a manual HTML import at present…the thing I’m most curious about is the automated re-import as manually uploading every day or few days isn’t high on my list of desires hahaha :)

Hey there! Love what you’re doing with this project - it’s super cool! I did want to ask a question though as I raised a GitHub issue a while back but received no response - is there any chance that the ability to automatically import .HTML bookmark backup files might be added in the future?

My use case is that every night I have my Chrome bookmarks automatically exported to a folder on my NAS - and currently I use ArchiveBox to read that file and archive any newly added sites. While this works, ArchiveBox has at times been rather finicky for me at least over the years, and so I’d love a little cleaner and more functional alternative. I’m not sure if others would find value in this being an option, but just a thought!

Yeah, it’s honestly a decent business model as it works

Nothing like a week and a half notice, eh? I honestly don’t care for how much control over the internet Cloudflare has, but I’ve been extremely happy with them since transferring my domains over to them a few years back.