• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Which apps are you testing?

I set up minio s3 for testing myself, but found that most of my docker services doesn’t really support it. So I went back to good old folders

I use proxmox and proxmox backup server (in a vm). I reinstall them both, and re-add lxc and vm and their drives from backup. has already worked once.

important files are additionaly synced to laptop and phone using syncthing.

proxmox backups (which are encrypted) are rcloned to backblaze for offsite backup

Not sure if it fits you, but personally I have set up a self hosted dovecot instance where i have moved old gmail emails to, using thunderbird as the client.

I just bought one, but I haven’t set it up yet. But it looks like it will fit me nicely based on apalrd video https://youtu.be/qML-ct2dGvQ

I tried this, but couldn’t find a better editor as android app. The closest I got was Zettel notes. But silverbullet worked better

Yes, I have used it for many months. It has been the best solution for my use case for a while. Which is tasks, shopping, planning (trips, …), recipes, and a simple knowledgebase. It was the offline support that set it apart from some other solutions

I have the files in a syncthing folder, so I can access the files without running silverbullet

My biggest problem is keeping up with all the changes. Zef made some youtube videos that are helpful

I’m trying it out now 🙂 I didn’t know about this one, thanks!

I miss the swipe to mark as read. Otherwise it looks nice, I’ll try it for a few days!

For me, it makes the clients disposable. I can reinstall the laptop, desktop, phone and be up and running in no time, without doing backups and preparation. Also it is easy to jump between clients.

The server needs to be backed up though

It works OK from the web page, but scrolling to the next item was a bit wonky for me. Using the swipe mode mis-fired when I was horisontally scrolling code. And double tapping didn’t always work.

The UX feels smoother in News. You also get thumbnail images. And you can open the link to the source directly, which I prefer for some of my feeds. For me, the experience is smoother.

Miniflux + News App
I started using miniflux a while back, and enjoy it. Recently I also gave News app on F-droid a try, and the combination of the two is one of the best news reading experiences I've had. Miniflux: https://miniflux.app/ News app: https://github.com/bubelov/news Just wanted to share! EDIT: Based on comment from [@refreeze@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/refreeze) , I am now mostly using Flux News https://github.com/KevinCFechtel/FluxNews . But I could go either way

I have used both, and syncthing is the most stable in my opinion. But you will get sync conflicts/ duplicates if you work on the same file

For working on markdown files you should additionally look into https://silverbullet.md , it’s great 🙂. It has offline mode. But it will also generate duplicates if you edit the same file offline

I don’t have a solution really, but I’m also thinking along your lines.

For files I share with my girlfriend, I have set up syncthing. So my server and our phones have a copy of the files, I like this solution. But it wouldn’t work for large amounts of data.

For my server stuff, it is backed up encrypted on backblaze. so I guess that is lost. Most files are also rsynced onto a usb drive connected to a raspberry pi (not encrypted). So that should be accessible, except for a linux’y filesystem (probably ext4) that doesn’t work on windows

I use nforwardauth and caddy for authentication, I think it is one of the simplest solutions https://github.com/nosduco/nforwardauth

I did a quick search on their github issue tracker, it looks to me like it supports audio and video


Hm ok. I know you can attach files. but maybe it is not shown inline.

I am not using it anymore so I can’t check. it doesn’t have offline mode which I need for my use case

Huh. I recently set up local dovecot for archiving old emails, but not S3.

I’m curious, when you work on a document, how does that work; Is it a file on your hard drive, have you mounted a bucket somehow, do you sync using restful api somehow?

Yes, before doing major changes i usually run a snapshot

I listened to https://thehomelab.show/ podcast today, and they mentioned that before doing major upgrades, you could create a clone VM from latest backups and test the upgrades before doing them for real. That way you both ensure safe upgrade and also make sure your backup is restorable.

It sounded like a good idea, but it got me thinking of the size of my LXC filled with user data… So I was wondering if I was doing it wrong

Do you use reverse proxy?

One of the reasons I use a single lxc is that I can reverse proxy containers without exposing ports / http to the LAN, it seemed like a good feature to me.

Interesting! I felt S3 was more a business cloud storage api.

I did a quick search, and it seems neither syncthing or jellyfin is compatible with S3. What do you do in these cases?

Data storage for containers in LCX / VM
I run my containers in an LCX on Proxmox (yes I heard I should use a VM, but it works..) For data storage (syncthing, jellyfin ..) I make volumes in the LXC. But I was wondering if this is the best way? I started thinking about restoring backups. The docker backups can get quite large with all the user data. I was wondering if a separate "NAS" VM and NFS shares makes more sense. Then restoring/cloning docker lxc would be faster, for troubleshooting. And the user data I could restore separately. What do you guys do?

The built-in gallery app on my samsung galaxy phone, in combination with syncthing.

As long as the phone has enough storage for all your images, this has been my favourite selfhosted solution so far.

I used Photoprism before, but I could never find an old picture quickly during a conversation. Now I can, 50% of the time 🫣

That sounds like what I want! Thanks! 🙏

I was thinking of using it for local email from other self-hosted services, but I am getting too old to set it up

Email. I want a local email server where I can move old emails off the internet for archiving.

But the number of components going into email servers made me stop… I already have caddy reverse proxy, but finding out how to use it for a email server… I didn’t even get properly started

Like most others I use paperless-ngx.

On top of that, I use syncthing to sync the paperless files to my mobile phone. You can set storage path for each file in paperless; I have one for important files like tickets. Then I have them even without internet access 🙂👍

I also use email and company apps (flights, …) … 🫣 For movies I also use “note to self” in signal to quickly store and find them…