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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


I have Tailscale directly installed on the host and I don’t use Mullvad so I haven’t tried that setup myself.

Looks like you would need to set the TS_EXTRA_ARGS environment variable in your container to --exit-node= --exit-node-allow-lan-access=true with the exit node name or ip of the Mullvad node. I haven’t tried this myself though.

That’s great to hear! Gluetun looks interesting, I’ll check it out and maybe migrate if it works for me.

Tailscale was updated with direct support for Mullvad, but since you already have Proton I’m guessing you wouldn’t want to switch.

If you’re using containers, you can have one container with your VPN and route traffic from specific containers through the VPN container. You can then have tailscale on the host system.

There’s a quick guide on setting up the VPN part here. Tailscaile you set up normally.