• 5 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023

Self-Hosted AI is pretty darn cool
I don't consider myself very technical. I've never taken a computer science course and don't know python. I've learned some things like Linux, the command line, docker and networking/pfSense because I value my privacy. My point is that anyone can do this, even if you aren't technical. I tried both [LM Studio](https://lmstudio.ai/) and Ollama. I prefer [Ollama](https://ollama.com/). Then you download models and use them to have your own private, personal GPT. I access it both on my local machine through the command line but I also installed [Open WebUI](https://github.com/open-webui/open-webui) in a docker container so I can access it on any device on my local network (I don't expose services to the internet). Having a private ai/gpt is pretty cool. You can download and test new models. And it is private. Yes, there are ethical concerns about how the model got the training. I'm not minimizing those concerns. But if you want your own AI/GPT assistant, give it a try. I set it up in a couple of hours, and as I said... I'm not even that technical.

Got it. Thanks. I’ll try that. It won’t wipe my existing data, right?

I don’t do anything special. When I connect the device to my machine by USB, it is recognized and mounts itself. Once that happens, it becomes connectable via CLI and GUI. Very much like what happens in a windows or mac environment.

DAS filepath autoincrements up each time I reboot [HELP]
I have a [Qnap DAS](https://www.qnap.com/en/product/tr-004). It is set up in a raid5 configuration. The problem is that each time I reboot my machine (ubuntu 24.04 LTS), the path of the DAS will auto-increment up by one. For example the path will automatically go from `media/raid57/medialib` to `media/raid58/medialib`. That means I need to manually redo all file paths and then re-scan my entire media library for Jellyfin, each time I reboot my machine (which is like 2-3 times a month). It is getting pretty annoying and I'm wondering if someone knows why this happens and what I can do to fix it.

Are there mobile apps for RedLib?
I’m thinking something similar to Yattee / Invidious. iOS is preferable.

For those who selfhost their music services, what are your must have plugins for beets and/or Musicbrainz
I’m curious what plugins people like the most and find the most useful.

I bought a netgate box a couple of years back and it was total garbage. My new 2.5gb Protectli came in yesterday. Looks like I’ll be putting OPNsense on it.

Giving my Roku box a 2nd life
Does anyone know if it is possible to take a Roku box, wipe it and install something else on it? I was thinking LibreElec, something else Kodi-ish or even just stock android.