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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2023


I’ve been using glauth + Authelia for a couple years with no issues and almost zero maintenance.

https://github.com/glauth/glauth https://www.authelia.com/

I might pick it back up some day but at the moment I have other projects going on at the moment.

I’m still using Proxmox myself but unfortunately it’s all fairly manually configured.

I started writing a Terraform provider for Proxmox a while ago.

Unfortunately, the API is a massive mess and the documentation is not very helpful either. It was a nightmare and I eventually gave up.


On macOS I’ve been using Ollama. It’s very easy to setup, can run as a service and expose an API.

You can talk to it directly from the CLI (ollama run ) or via applications and plugins (like https://continue.dev ) that consume the API.

It can run on Linux but I haven’t personally tried it.
