• 2 Posts
Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 23, 2023


Tailscale is on both the base OS and I have the docker extension, which required the base OS install IIRC.

I think I figured it out, just have to implement the fix. I think the problem is the lack of 443’s published by the containers. Looks like I may be able to modify the ports easily in Portainer.

Do these port numbers tell you anything at all? I’m very new to all of this.


Except that the services are “unable to open” and “other” even from the tailscale admin panel. The top two services, heimdal and portainer, are the only ones with an “open” link.

edit: if I stop heimdall in Docker, the situation is the same, except no start page.

Tailscale help needed
I've just about got this Docker thing licked. After hundreds of hours, I finally get it, and my dusty millenial ass has joined the 21st century. -but we have issues ==============================xxxx============================== **The environment:** I have multiple containers running on my local network, including photoprism, Kavita, and Filebrowser. I also installed Heimdall as a startpage. On the local network everything works great. The entire goal of this project is to have these services accessible from outside the house, from my mobile devices but also with the ability to share links and files with friends. ==============================xxxx============================== **The problem:** Enter Tailscale. I tried port forwarding, having a domain, all that jazz, but it ended up being way too complicated. I don't want just anyone to access my shit, I only want a handful to be able to use services of my choosing in accordance with the user permissions I set up for them. Tailscale was the first thing I tried that worked. I added my docker instance to tailscale, and when you access the machine, you are correctly taken to my Heimdal start page. Unfortunately, when you click on the icons for my docker services, the browser gives you an "unable to connect" error. Under my Tailscale admin panel, the services are listed along with their port and IP information. Heimdall (443) and Portainer(8000) are listed as https and http under "type", as expected. The remaining services are listed as "other." (the portainer link doesn't work either) - Has anyone else dealt with this? - If this has to do with ports, is there an easy way to configure ports without having to re-run the images and make new containers?

Exposing Myself (with Filebrowser)
Win11 Pro on used lenovo thinkcentre Docker Desktop FileBrowser running at 7777:80 in Docker Desktop (7777 was chosen by me to preemptively avoid conflicts) ATT Router with custom service "Filebrowser" global range 443, TCP, Host Port 443 (443 was chosen by me because I want the site to only be accessible if secure) Custom firewall exception, tcp, local 7777, Host 443 Filebrowser login page accessible from localhost:7777 Filebrowser login page accessible from http://my_custom_duckdns_domain:7777 Not accessible from https: Not accessible from external device. Tried to run Win-Acme, failed. Tried to run Caddy: "Error: loading initial config: loading new config: http app module: start: listening on :80: listen tcp :80: bind: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions." caddy is not a docker image I've been using ChatGPT to help me configure this stuff, it has not been going well. The AI can't remember what it tells me from one question to the next, so you end up in loop after loop of errors. I ended up deleting the caddyfile because no configuration supplied by ChatGPT worked. Can anyone help me get this going? I'd really like to understand how to safely expose the fileserver, but nothing is working. I already tried nextcloud, and though it looks pretty, the on-board office suite, which I want so you don't have to download a file to view it, will not function because Collabora won't download. I do not claim to know what I am doing. I dislike CLI, and Linux frustrates me to no end. I'm open to any suggestions you all have.

Dude- it’s like you’re reading my mind. I’ve installed Nextcloud 4 different times, the most recent being on docker desktop in Win11. I’ve resorted to using chatgpt to help me with the commands. LITERALLY EVERY STEP RESULTS IN AN ERROR. The Collabora office suite (necessary to view or edit cloud docs without downloading them) WILL NOT DOWNLOAD. The “php -d memory_limit=512M occ app:install richdocumentscode” chatgpt and Nextcloud suggest is not recognized by the terminal. You can’t just download Collabora, cuz fuck you, i guess, and you can’t access Docker’s actual file system from windows explorer.

I’ve typed nonsense into various black screens for upward of 20 hours now, and nextcloud is “working” locally. I can access my giant hard drive from my android nextcloud app, but it’s SLOW AS FUCK.

I can’t imagine how many man-hours it would take to open the server to the internet. Makes me want to fucking barf just thinking about it.

I’ve been fucking with Linux since 2005 and have yet to get a single thing to work correctly. I guess I’m the only one who thinks an (mostly) invisible file system in incomprehensible repetitive folders, made of complete nonsense commands might not be the best way to operate a computer system.

I’m really frustrated if you can’t tell.

On another topic, trying to get Ollama to run on my Lubuntu VM was also impossible. I guess if everyone knew it was going to force you to somehow retroactively configure every motherfucking aspect of the install nobody would bother. You can sudo all day and it still denies me permission to do things LISTED IN THE MOTHERFUCKING DOCUMENTATION.

Is this all just low-effort poorf** bullshit that doesn’t actually work?