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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 28, 2023


Who’s your DNS provider? I use cloudflare and powershell script and hits their API. Works well

I would get a domain name and use ddns to update your rotating IP. Then I would setup wireguard VPN in split tunnel and have your parents network tunnel back to your piholes for dns resolution.

I use cloudflare API for ddns updates but there are plenty of choices for that. If you’re using cloudflare for DNS just keep in mind you can’t proxy the DNS entry for the ip for your VPN host as CF only forwards traffic over certain ports and they are not configurable (on free plan anyway not sure about paid).

The error is telling you you already have something listening on port 80 so docker is unable to bind to 80 again until that is released. Try disabling nginx and apache as you stated.

You can run

netstat -pln

to show you what’s running on what port on your host is you want to verify

So I run windows AD and have windows dns inside and cloudflare outside. I also run NPM for the web prox in my DMZ.

On the inside DNS I point the A record for NPMProxy.domain.com to the IP of my npm server. I than setup service1.domain.com inside npm to forward requests to the web server setup for service1. I than setup the CNAME record for service1.domain.com to point to NPMProxy.domain.com. This should complete your inside.

Outside I set the A record on cloudflare for service1.domain.com to my public IP address which will route again to NPM. This will complete the outside connectivity.

Make sure your firewall rules are set and proper ports open and you should be golden.