• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


Just updated my blog post with a link to original docker file 👆

There was no Docker support until three weeks ago. The author added it and I helped with some other missing aspects, mainly support for linux/arm64 (Raspi 4)

Also this repository contains an easy way to create your own image, upload to your own repo (mine is at https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/bitman09/hrconvert2/tags?page=1&ordering=last_updated) and kubernetes support

HRConvert2, the magic is here!
Are you the one at your family that knows about computers? The one that everyone else ask to convert a picture to pdf, rotate it or any other picture related task? Or just scan a document because you are the one that knows how to do it? Then welcome to #HRConvert2! From HRConvert2 project : A self-hosted drag-and-drop file conversion server & file sharing tool that supports 86 file formats with 4 color schemes & 13 end-user selctable languages. Sound perfect for me, it will allow me to uninstall al those conversion tools that are rarely used and doing 3 clicks I’ll be able to convert from JPG to PNG or simply compress some files to my preferred format (rar, tar, zip …). A beautiful perk is that my family members will do the work by themselves 😌

Hosting my own posts
I'm reaching you all asking for advice. Given the recent news about some social networks attempting to rule my/our content I want all of it to be free forever. To avoid vendor lockout I've decided to host all my tweets and Reddit posts in my own site. Probably will delete original posts too, but not thought about it much yet Do you think this is a good solution to achieve the goal? What issues are present in doing it this way? Should I do it in a different way? What about deleting the original posts after being published on my site? All voices are welcome!