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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: May 03, 2024


I read through your screenshot. The ip command has enp3s0 and the config has enp2s0, I think this might be it.

I had a stock Debian install actually rename the device for my NIC when I changed GPUs. You should double-check if your NIC has the same entry in /dev with and without the GPU. After I changed the name in some config files the NIC worked fine with the GPU in, it could be easy as that.

Aren’t those all old-ish sockets with Xeons that top out at like 40 PCIe lanes?

Streaming was great when it was just Netflix and had a ton of content. Now it is just cable TV on demand.

Corporations had already proven they cannot be trusted with any long-term leasing or subscription long before they started passing that phrase around.