• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023

Good guide to setup a Kubernetes cluster with Traefik
Hi all! I've a background as Linux sysadmin (not much, couple of years) and I'm facing the challenge to setup a Kubernetes cluster. One of the requirements is to use Traefik. I'm finding A LOT of how to online but they are all different from each other. Do you know a good guide to do such things? The K8s cluster is up and running, Traefik is the problem. I can get it up, access the dashboard, but that's all. I tried to test it using the example application "whoami" and I can see the app in the dashboard but I can access it only by localhost curl on the node where it runs. Thanks a lot!

Deciding between Kubernetes or Docker Swarm
Hi all! I have a couple of months to create and deploy a small cluster for running docker containers. The cluster will consist of 3 master nodes and some workers. When it is ready, it will consist of about 15 servers. I have little experience with Docker (managing some containers on my home server), I have spent the last 4 or 5 weeks studying and testing with Kubernetes and I think it's a little overkill for what it's going to take. You run the risk of adding unnecessary complexity. I am seeing that instead Docker Swarm seems easier to set up and manage. To consider that I will be on my own to manage it. What do you think? Thanks!