• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


I don’t know if these are uncommon but I have a few cool usecases besides the regular 1:1 folder syncing, maybe someone else finds them useful.

Also you should know that the way I have all of this setup is that I have a container that hosts a bunch of SMB Network drives and a syncthing container that stores all of the fodlers on that drive. Having them also easily accessible through smb is great when I just wanna quickly copy something or back the folders up.

So here are some of my maybe unorthodoz usecases :

  • Music - As a fan of offline music, I have it setup that music I acquire gets synced onto the server and re-encoded as opus through a script into a second folder which then through syncthing gets sent out my mobile devices. There I rather have smaller files than lossless quality. Said script also sorts the music into folders based on artist and album metadata.
  • I also sync my Newpipe Subscriptions between phones (unfortunately by manually exporting my settings and re-importing them)

I also used to have a setup that would sync Minecraft Bedrock and Stardew Valley saves between devices (where Windows and Android saves are compatible) but Android 11 introduced a stupid restriction that prevents synching from accessing the the saves are located on Android.

Ok thanks, it then seems like some Software thing. Are your clock speeds also higher under linux when idle?

Any experience with Zen 1 idle power consumption running Proxmox?
Hi, I'm planning an doing an upgrade to my hardware and I'm eying a used Ryzen 1700 or Ryzen 1800 (they are dirt cheap now and have an excellent upgrade path once people sell of their Ryzen 5000 CPUs). I'm however a bit concerned about the idle power consumption of such a System. My plan in terms of Software is to migrate my existing Proxmox System which is running 4 VMs and 6 LXC containers at the moment. Most of which are at < 3% CPU Ut. 99% of the day. Has anyone got any numbers or rough estimates how big the idle power draw of such a System would be? For a graphics card (just to have some kind of display output) I plan to use a GTX 220.

[Closed] Is there a easy way to share a batch of synchthing folder keys?
A few months ago I setup my own Synching Server and its been working great. I right now have 7 devices (server itself, phone, tablets, laptops, Desktops, ...) synching files from 5 different folders. The problem I have right now is that adding new folders / devices is a huge hassle since in order for EVERY device to properly be in sync I need to manually add for example a new folder to every device. If I were to add 5 new folders I would need to repeat this 5 times for 7 devices... I think you get the point. What I wanna know is if there is a simple way to basically share all the folder keys of a syncthing device with another device without manually copy pasting them? I don't really care if this would be by enabling some setting on the server or by copying around a file (I do this for example with my newpipe subscriptions and use syncthing for that). Also just creating one large folder is something I'm trying to avoid since not every device needs everything you loose the ability to fine control individual folders. I for example don't want my phone to start syncing my music library when I'm using data. EDIT : I played around a bit more and I found out that going into the server and marking all the devices add as introducers sends a notification to all these devices where you can easily share folders!