• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


That’s great. Knowing that’ll certainly makes things easier. Thanks.

Thanks for the suggestion. Will check out Webdav server.

So basically I just run Syncthing on all 3 devices? The 3rd device being a VPS something like that?

Yes this works 99% of the time. But in case my phone gets corrupt or damaged then I’ll lose the data that was not synced. So I wanted something that can sync remotely.

Sorry I forgot to mention, my laptop won’t be powered ON during the 3 days I’m not home. So I was hoping a 3rd repo could be used for both my laptop and phone incase one of them is not powered on, so that the next time one of them gets powered on, it’ll automatically sync to the latest version.

Can I run docker for free or for 1 or 2$ a month on some platform and will it be secure if I do that?

Syncthing works fine. The problem is, my laptop is not on all the time and in case my phone has a problem, I’ll lose all my changes during the 3 days I’m out of my house.

Sync files and Joplin notes on local network as well as mobile data
Tldr : Need to sync files on my phone and laptop via some remote repository. So I'm currently using Syncthing to sync my backup files and Joplin notes on my phone and my laptop. I'm not home 3 days a week, so whatever notes I take or changes I make, won't be reflected on my laptop until I come home. I tried next cloud (free tier) sync for Joplin before, but the server has issues from time to time and but the sync part doesn't work properly. Is there a way for me to use Syncthing or something else using some free or very cheap service and hopefully secure, in such a way that my phone , my laptop and the 3rd service all can be in sync. Also I'm kind of a noob when it comes to all these self hosting stuff, but I can learn some stuff not too complicated though. Edit : My laptop is not ON during the 3 days I'm out of my house. Ideally once I power it on after a few days it should sync to the latest version.