I am a software engineer who apparently is mildly interested in computers and videogames.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


you do you, its just a warning because of potential malware, i’d personally rather self-compile than pirate something when i have the damn source-code.

Hey folks, Thank you, everyone, for the feedback and the huge desire for a User Interface overhaul for GameVault on our Discord Poll. **In case you're wondering what GameVault is**, it's like having your own video gaming platform for games on your server – think Plex, but for video games. If you are a self-hosting gamer, you most likely [want to check this out.](https://gamevau.lt) With the brand new version 1.8, we've taken your feedback to heart and worked hard to give GameVault a fresh coat of paint! I attached a before/after pic of how it used to look (left) versus now (right) so you can see the difference. The UI underwent a complete makeover, and aside from looking pretty awesome, it is much better in terms of usability as well. Just so you know: The first UI was kind of basic and only meant for us two developers, as we didn't initially plan to release this project to the public. Now that the traction is **so huge** and thousands of people are using this software, it would plainly feel wrong not to give it a facelift. So, every button and detail has been thoughtfully placed to make things **way more user-friendly**. If you weren't a fan of the old UI, now's the time to swing by and check out the changes. If you also want to steer the future development of GameVault, make sure to join our [Discord Server](https://discord.gg/NEdNen2dSu). **You can check out GameVault** [**here**](https://gamevau.lt)**.**

There’s nothing illegal about GameVault. It’s a tool. It can be used correctly for its intended purpose or misused by others. Banning it would be like banning cars because some people use them as weapons instead of for transportation. So no, I don’t fear any trouble at all. After all, platforms like Plex/Jellyfin, which are basically GameVault for Movies and TV Series, are doing totally fine and are well-established in the general public already.

GameVault Update - What’s happened 4 months after initial release
Hey fellow self-hosters! It's u/Alfagun74 from [GameVault](https://gamevau.lt), the self-hosted platform for organizing and sharing your servers DRM-free games collection. We've come a long way since our initial release, and I'm thrilled to share what's been happening with GameVault since then. **From "Crackpipe" to GameVault** If you've been with us since the start, you might remember our initial quirky name, "Crackpipe." Well, we had a good laugh, but as we grew, we decided to go for something more fitting – GameVault! It's your personal gaming treasure trove, and the name says it all. **What's GameVault?** For the uninitiated, [GameVault](https://gamevau.lt) is like having your own Steam for game files lying on your server. It's a self-hosted, source-available gaming platform. Bring your DRM-free game files, and GameVault organizes them, enriches them with metadata, and gives you a user-friendly interface to manage and play your games. It's all about enjoying your favorite titles with friends. **What's happened since initial release?** Since our initial release four months ago, we've been hard at work, reaching version 9 on the backend and 1.7 on the frontend. Here's a reel of the exciting big features we've added: 1. Auto Extraction and Installation of Videogames 2. Uninstalling Games through GameVault 3. Uploading Images directly to your GameVault 4. Support for a metric ton of archive formats 5. Crash Reports 6. Database Backups & Restorations 7. Bandwidth Control 8. Random Game Finder **What's on the Horizon?** We've been listening to your feedback, and here's what was asked for the most: 1. [UI Redesign for the Library and Installations Tab](https://github.com/Phalcode/gamevault-app/issues/201) 2. [Support for ROMS and Emulators](https://github.com/Phalcode/gamevault-app/issues/269) 3. [Support for extra files like Soundtracks etc.](https://github.com/Phalcode/gamevault-backend/issues/149) Right now we're knee-deep in redesigning the Library, the heart of our application. Big changes are on the way, waving goodbye to the installations tab and bringing in a sleeker UI for Library, Game View, and Game Settings. More on and a sneak-peek is coming to our blog soon. **Join the GameVault Community!** If you haven't already, come join our vibrant community on [Discord](https://discord.gg/NEdNen2dSu). You can influence the direction of GameVault and participate in exclusive polls over there. **Spread the Word and Stay Tuned!** Help us promote GameVault among fellow self-hosters. Your efforts could inspire a bored developer to join and contribute to our project! Let's make gaming personal again with [GameVault](https://gamevau.lt)!

Not planned from us at least but we currently use Moonlight/Sunshine Gamestreaming to do that.

We’ll check Matrix out, and if we do bridge it, you’ll definitely hear about it in the blog :)

Hang on a sec, I nearly spewed my half-finished iced tea after reading that! Who on earth mentioned Windows servers :D? Our backend is completely containerized and operates on Alpine Linux. You could even run the server on a toaster if you’re up for it!

Appreciate the kind feedback. So, regarding the slogan, we’ve actually grown quite fond of it. It doesn’t suggest piracy in any way; it simply refers to games from alternative sources, like your DVD collection or a developer’s website.

Anything else than windows is not in our plans right now as we currently lack the expertise and manpower to handle multiple platforms. However, we’re actively encouraging the community to create a third-party solution.

Not in our plans right now as we currently lack the expertise and manpower to handle multiple platforms. However, we’re actively encouraging the community to create a third-party solution. Let’s work together for an awesome outcome!

We’re on it right now. It seems like it made its way into the documentation a bit too soon, and for that, we apologize.

Would you mind submitting a feature request for adding non-Steam games to Steam? If you need assistance with that, please let us know. Additionally, do you happen to know if there’s an API or protocol available for such functionality?

Oh, there are quite a few examples!

For instance, retro players have gathered their entire collection of games mostly on discs and DVDs. However, these physical formats are not everlasting and hard to organize, so they’re searching for a solution to preserve their games from deterioration and create a convenient way to play them. Building their very own “steam” just for this purpose.

(Re-)Introducing GameVault: The Self-Hosted Gaming Platform
Hi guys, we're excited to reconnect with you all here on Lemmy after our project "Crackpipe" generated quite a buzz recently. With its brand new name, we proudly present "GameVault"! In case you missed our, let's say - "controversial" debut [on reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/14pdu0m/introducing_crackpipe_your_decentralized) and [lemmy](https://lemmy.world/post/983003), let us give you a quick rundown of what GameVault is all about: GameVault is a fantastic gaming platform that you can host yourself, allowing you and your friends to enjoy "alternatively obtained" games on your own terms. It simplifies the whole gaming experience by organizing, downloading, installing, playing, and tracking your favorite games right on your file server. GameVault automatically detects game files, builds a metadata database, and offers a user-friendly client for seamless downloading and gameplay. Imagine having your own personalized Steam for games stored on your file server! Linux users, please note that we don't currently have a native client available. However, our documentation includes a community-driven approach to running the client on Linux, which you can find under "Advanced Usage." Are you ready to add another Link to your Dashboards? Feel free to pay a visit to [our website](https://gamevau.lt) and [join our Discord](https://discord.gg/NEdNen2dSu) and [Lemmy Community](https://lemmy.world/c/phalcode) to become part of an awesome community!

Introducing Crackpipe - your decentralized, self-hosted gaming solution!
Hey folks, our team has worked tirelessly for a year to bring you Crackpipe, the open-source, decentralized, and liberal alternative to conventional cloud-based game platforms like Steam and Origin. We're thrilled to announce that Crackpipe is now available for everyone, and we're delighted to share it with the community as an open-source project. With Crackpipe, you and your friends can enjoy playing and tracking games on a shared file server, free from the restrictions of traditional platforms. Embracing "alternatively obtained" games, including DRM-free titles, Crackpipe offers a flexible and open approach to gaming - think Jellyfin, but for Videogames. Take full control of your gaming experience with Crackpipe's self-hosted approach. Explore your server's game collection, securely download, launch, and play games, and monitor your playtimes and progress - all even when the server is offline. Compare stats and play states with other users on the server for added fun. Our server features include automatic indexing of games, metadata enrichment with RAWG API, multi-user authentication, configurable logging, health monitoring, full-text search, filters, sorting, pagination, and a fully documented API. Crackpipe's high configurability ensures it fits your specific needs. Join us on this journey to embrace a more open, flexible, and enjoyable gaming experience for all. Try Crackpipe today and share your contributions, feedback, bug reports, and feature requests. Link: https://crackpipe.de You can also check out our launch at producthunt: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/crackpipe **UPDATE: [here](https://lemmy.world/post/1995344)**