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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I’ve used trillium before. it was my main note taking app for a long while. It’s a great app. Right out of the box, it has full markdown and whatever.

I don’t have any specific guides in mind, but you’ll want to use docker-compose as much as possible, also create /home/your_user/docker/app/ for each app, and keep your docker compose files. If you use docker run, keep a copy of the commands you use, because if you need to restart your services, it will be a lot easier than having to search up the command in your bash history again. You can just cat docker.txt | bash and it will recreate your docker containers for you. That’s all i can really think of for getting started. Also, docker ps will be a godsend.

It’s so easy to self host these days. I remember when you’d have to fuck around with Apache configs and fuck around with app config files etc. Now you just run docker. It’s so great these days!