• 5 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


If postmarket os works on that device maybe you can go full Linux (alpine), there will be no systemd which might be a problem and I am not even sure about docker compatibility. You can look it up though.

Hi, to check attacks you should look at the logs. In this case auth.log. Being attacked on port 22 is not surprising neither really troublesome if you connect via key pair.

My graph was showing egress traffic, on any kind of server the traffic due to these attacks would have been invisible but on a backup server which has (hopefully) only ingress you can clearly see the volume of connections from attackers from bytes teansmitted

Sorry, it’s the built-in console of Google Cloud. But there are so many monitoring solution around that you can probably find one of your liking. Look on awesome-selfhosted for “monitoring”

In the past two weeks I set up a new VPS, and I run a small experiment. I share the results for those who are curious. Consider that this is a backup server only, meaning that there is no outgoing traffic unless a backup is actually to be recovered, or as we will see, because of sshd. I initially left the standard "port 22 open to the world" for 4-5 days, I then moved sshd to a different port (still open to the whole world), and finally I closed everything and turned on tailscale. You find a visualization of the resulting egress traffic in the image. Different colors are different areas of the world. Ignore the orange spikes which were my own ssh connections to set up stuff. Main points: * there were about 10 Mb of egress per day due just to sshd answering to scanners. Not to mention the cluttering of access logs. * moving to a non standard port is reasonably sufficient to avoid traffic and log cluttering even without IP restrictions * Tailscale causes a bit of traffic, negligible of course, but continuous.

In all the cases for me is sufficient to backup the folder which host the volume for persistent data of each container. I typically do not care to stop and reload containers but nothing prevents you to do so in the backup script. Indeed if a database is concerned the best way is to create a dump and backup that one file. Considering tools, Borg and restic are both great. I am moving progressively from Borg to restic+rclone to exploit free cloud services.

So it seems. Do you think this was from the detected user activity? A colleague reported it was using it and it stopped working from one second to the next. Maybe some of his traffic looked suspicious? I am opening a ticket in any case today.

I think this is exactly the case, they have some issues with the DNS server and, as some other comments indicate it is possible, they reset my settings for DNS servers at router level. So nor cloudflare or others can help, only the line in etc/hosts works

Well, the main point is I would need to manually change this for tens of pcs and its not my job, moreover other people should to the same on theirs. Nevertheless, I just tried on a couple of PCs and I have the same issue! It appears that my DNS setting is irrelevant as it is overwritten down the chain, the only way I can reach the site is put the line in etc/hosts. Could it be?

I already had contacts with our IT. I originally asked if they could host this service for us as it seemed the normal thing to do. They do not support anything custom (i.e. anything which is not a wordpress site) and just to give me a fourth level subdomain they wanted signatures from half the administration above me. That’s why I’m rogue with selfhosting also work stuff. But I think I can still complain just because their DNS gives back random IPs. This could even be hijacking, no?

The IP is static, and is resolved properly everywhere outside my university network

It’s always DNS, should I complain?
Hi, What to do if the domain name of one of my webserver, that me and some lab members use for work related stuff, is no longer resolved by our university DNS? When I first noticed it, I could see no resolution at all while now the domain resolves to a wrong IP. The site can be normally reached on any other network so there is no problem on my side I think. Should I just wait (now more than 24 hours) or should I try anything? I am entitled to complain to our IT even though the issue is only with this not-really-professional FreeDNS subdomain? EDIT: apparently some automatism marked this domain as malicious (absolutely it is not, not willingly and not compromised) and somehow DNS resolves to CNAME sinkhole.paloaltonetworks.com.

I see, it gets complicated enough for me, I cannot imagine for some of the other users I would like to target… I will probably look into it as a last resort. Thanks

Quite not the same, the definition of what I am looking for seems either “Personal Information Manager” or “Outliner”. Still a niche market it seems

I do use it, but it is a desktop app. I was looking for something that could be used in a browser, I am so in need for that that I actually deployed treeline on alpine as a Kasm workspace for remote operation. Setting up a virtual desktop just for this seems a real overkill, besides that, I was hoping that a hosted solution could allow an easier collaboration between multiple users.

Here the answer

I’ve got a hacked pyqt5 script that does this, I doubt it’s what you want. Adding mysql support and eventually want to be able to have something like limited math functions so you can add all the values in a tree for stuff like total cost.

If you find something better I’d be real interested, I really want web and preferably app support.

I never looked into LDAP, I will do so now, thanks. Hopefully there could be something out there starting from the right keywords

Sorry for the double post that appeared for a while, lemmy was slow/malfunctioning, I deleted the other post and unfortunately by doing so also the answer of @InverseParallax@lemmy.world sorry.

Selfhosted tool for editing data trees
Hi, I am looking since a long time for a selfhosted tool that would allow the user to insert and visualize data in a hierarchycal structure (tree). Ideally custom schemas could be defined so that it can be also regarded as a rudimentary noSQL database. I've looked at the awesome-selfhosted page high and low for anything similar with no luck. Do you happen to know anything that could work? The best example for the functionality I am looking for is the open source desktop app [treeline](https://treeline.bellz.org) Thanks for your inputs,

Selfhosted tool for editing data trees
Hi, I am looking since a long time for a selfhosted tool that would allow the user to insert and visualize data in a hierarchycal structure (tree). Ideally custom schemas could be defined so that it can be also regarded as a rudimentary noSQL database. I've looked at the awesome-selfhosted page high and low for anything similar with no luck. Do you happen to know anything that could work? The best example for the functionality I am looking for is the open source desktop app [treeline](https://treeline.bellz.org) Thanks for your inputs,

selfhosting on windows server?
Hi, I can spin up for free a Windows VPS (win server 2016 with graphical interface or win server 2022 core version since it has only 1GB of RAM). The problem is that outside of Linux I have absolutely no experience. I would like to try hosting something also on Windows server just to take away some load from other machines or even just to learn something new. Therefore I have the following questions: *Is there any starting resource for windows selfhosting you can recommend? I would love if a list like the awesome selfhosted existed for services that can run on windows. *Is there anything non-enterprise for which a windows server would provide any advantage over Linux? *Does anyone self hosts on windows server? Can I ask what you use it for? Thanks