• 4 Posts
Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Nov 22, 2023


Changing the domain does not change the problem sadly. I thought .local is a safe one to use

local DNS server does not work as expected
So I am working on my home server. I installed docker and use a dnsmasq container as my dns server to resolve local ip adresses. Laptop and server are both linux (ubuntu LTS 24.4) What works: - 'resolvectl status' shows the ip of my dns server - i can ping the ip of the dns server (that will run other stuff like nextcloud soon as well) - i can use nslookup to resovle server.local to the correct ip address (even after changing the entry, so its not the cache in my laptop) what does not work: - i can not ping server.local (- for testing i have to stop the systemd-resolved.service to run the dnsmasq server, or else there are port collisions, but that should not be the problem i guess. I am happy to hear your solution :)) - i can also not use ssh to log in to server.local, ip address works What am i missing? Thanks a lot already! BTW: ZFS is crazy nice :D

Buch of questions about Raid, LVM, ZFS and VPN, DDNS, port forwarding and backups.
Hi! I know this is a kind of dangerous topic to ask :D And I am sorry this got so long. I plan on building my own little home server. Currently I will mostly use it for nextcloud, maybe some other stuff, like git. I would like to be able to access nexcloud or git from outside my home (yes, i actually go outside sometimes.. dont know why though). I will run docker and portainer on a pi5 (i guess its enough for one person) and I have 4x4tb disks. I currently plan on creating a software raid 10 with the disks to get 8tb of storage. **** I have two types of disks, a new set of ironwolf and a used set of wd 24/7 drives. How would you arrange them? Put both from one type in raid 1 or mix both types in raid 1? I just heared about LVM. Would you recommend to put that on top of the raid? I dont know If i plan to change the storage setup, but doubt it currently. Im not shure if ZFS would be a better solution for me, but it seems unneccesserry at the moment. **** I dont quite know what i should search for to find a solution about accessing the services from outside. I would like to avoid a (wireguard) vpn so i can log in on a different device without setting it up, or that i can connect to the vpn at work or uni and still be able to use my nextcloud data. So dyn dns with portforwarding seems to be the only option. But I am a little afraid to open up my home network to the outside like this, without another protection like a login. I know nextcloud has that, but im not shure if that is enough or what can be seen and accessed from the outside if i use ddns and port forwarding. **** For backups I plan on using dublicati and storing the backups encrypted to either pcloud (would need to by, additional cost..) or a server at a friends or my dads house. But with the second solution I am not shure how I would create a tunnel to their server, so its secure for both of us. He has a static ip, so no ddns needed. Maybe here would be a wireguard tunnel be best? My dad does not have a static ip but would create a wirequard vpn for me with MyFritz (avm ddns service). Any thoughts on that? I would create a disk image of the completed os (the sd card..) once the services are running, so i can revert if something breaks. I guess a manual image is enough after the setup, because the docker containers reset anyways on restart, right? Thank you so much, I am greatefull for every advice!

Thanks! That seems rather easy. Only thing I’m not sure about, I have basically only access to the pi over SSH. I could use a screen and keyboard but would prefer not to. What would happen if I configure the network wrong on the pi and can not connect anymore, even over my home network? Could I change the config by putting the SD card into my laptop and changing a file? Or is it possible to make it redundant, so if it can’t find a DHCP server, it automatically switches to the preconfigured settings you described? :) Thanks a lot

ssh into raspberry without a router
Hi! I hope this is the right community to ask. Next week I will be on the road for 5 Days for work. I have quite some spare time, so I thought I would dig up my raspberry project again and hopefully finish it. I need it with me, because it controls some hardware, so a VPN to home does not work. So only option I could think of, is to connect the pi directly to my laptop via an ethernet cable. As far as I understood from some research is that I would need to install and run an DHCP server on my laptop, which they did not recommend. Alternatively they suggested to just take a router and plug both devices in there. I don't really have a spare router, so that's not an option either. To be hones it confuses me a little, that there does not seem to be a standard for connecting to a device directly over a single cable and login with a user account. Any recommendations how I can work on the pi like with ssh? Thanks a lot!

Raspberry as NAS, multiple HDDs and an enclosure
Edit: thanks everyone for the suggestions. In the end I decided to buy a icy box usb3.1 4xhdd enclosure for around 100€. In the description it says it only works with mac and windows, but my Linux laptop works well with it, I guess the pi will to as well. I will print an enclosure for the power brick and the pi to screw to the drive case. Here is why I choose this option: The pi is rather cheap compared to its power and also power consumption. I already had 4x4tb HDDs which I wanted to use, so at least 4 slots needed. The pi has 2x usb 3.0 connections which can be used simultaneously. One will be used for the 4bay, the other is free for now. I have the option to connect a second Nas case if I need more storage. Usb 3.0 is pretty fast, even if I don't get all the 5gbit/s. It's still faster than 1gbit/s ethernet. I also thought about getting 2x 2xhdd enclosures to use the two usb3.0 at the same time. But decided against it because it would be a little more sketchy and I wanted to keep a free usb port for a second drive enclosure. There are some enclosures that offer raid (hardware raid?) But I could not figure out if that would mean that all 4 drives will be raided, so I decided for the cheaper variant and would do the raid myself. I plan on running 2 drives as raid1 and the other as raid 0 for secure storage and the other for movies and stuff I can download again. Thanks again for all the comments! ____ It seems weirdly difficult to find a good solution to attach HDDs to my pi. Best case would be for me a enclosure with small power supply, space for my pi, and at least 2 bays for HDDs, rather 4. All that for under 100€ of cause :D I could not really find cheap hhd enclosures that connect via usb. Any recommendations? I don't really want to use HDD toasters, they feel not permanent enough for a Nas. I could also not find sata to usb hats for the pi that are available right now