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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


You will own nothing and be happy.

Unironically the future of capitalism, as it devolves into feudalism with more killer robots.

You’ve got the CEO (Absolute Monarch) who owns all the shit and you work on it in exchange for not being killed or deported. Maybe you get some treats from time to time. More likely, you just get someone from the PMC to tell you to pray more.

Humans in power are too egocentric to not be kept in check.

A handful of humans with the power to deliver unlimited genocide on their neighbors are hard to keep in check.

The idea that you could trust a corporation, any corporation, at its word is laughable on its face

We’re surrounded by corporate entities all trying to leech profit out of us.

It’s less a question of trust and more of information alternatives. When all you can hear is the din of advertisement, it’s difficult to chart a path through the racket.

You’re bound to get suckered by someone, eventually.

My whole library is wipped out

I assumed this was about an actual library and not some shmuck who got suckered into a thinly veiled rental service.