That one Dutch guy
  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 12, 2023

Ideas wanted
Hey all. Ive been hosting some software for a while now, some private, some public stuff. Recently ive gotten myself a domain name, and i'm trying to come up with a good way to have access to both the public AND the private on the same URL. Simpleton that i am i thought about putting the public in an inline frame with a banner with links at the top, but im sure there are better ways. Any ideas how to do this from this community? Edit : After all these comments, i stumbled upon Nginx. After some startup problems, i now have Nginx running in a docker on the same remote server. Plenty of questions left but most notably (and hereby clarified) : Is there something like a management page-thingy i can install that lets me manage the content of the various containers? Think sonarr, a torrent client, nginx, etc.