• 5 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023

How to set Multi Language on Radarr
Currently I have a library mainly in English and I would like to make these films dubbed in Spanish, the problem is that they are in 4k and it is difficult to find releases in Spanish with a quality higher than 720p in the most common free places. First of all I would like to clarify that I don’t know how the multilanguage system works in Radarr, but, would it be possible to get a spanish version of low quality video, extract its audio and leave it in the same folder so that Jellyfin can choose between multiple video tracks in the player? And is there a way to configure all this automatically in Radarr?

I’ve beem using cockpit for years but it does not work with docker and some plugins (like the zfs one) have some assets missing, also the Navigator works really slow when moving files (it should be instantaneously) and leaves the empty folders in the old directory, making me always end up using ssh for that things.

I was thinking about using FileBrowser in a docker container but I would also like a UI for ZFS and basic graphics for system load. Htop and btop are some options but I don’t feel comfortable using them

TrueNAS vs Debian
I was thinking about changing my server's OS (currently using Ubuntu server) Which would be the best in the case of only using docker and ZFS? I thought that Debian would be more debloated and efficient but I need a Web UI and from what I have seen TrueNAS is very complete and is not absurdly slow, let me know your thoughts!

I was looking for something free that I could host on my machine but thanks, I didn’t know about it

What’s Your Preferred Server Monitoring Method?
How do you monitor your server containers, disks, load...? Do you use an easy-to-use web interface? Do you do everything via SSH? Or maybe you've got a more complicated setup? I want to change my setup and I'm looking for new ideas, I've been using Cockpit for some years and some of the plugins are really outdated (ZFS for example) and others are completely broken (docker-compose).

Thanks for all the help!

I don’t have any redundancy, my system has an SSD (the one being slow) and 2 500Gb HDDs, in the hdds I only have movies and shows so I don’t care is that goes bad.

I have a lot of important personal stuff in the SSD but is new (6 months old) from crucial and I trust that because I don’t have the money to spare on another drive (+ electricity bills) and I trust that I’ll only lose 1-2 files if it goes bad because of the ZFS protection

I was thinking about switching to debian (all that I host is in docker so that’s why), but the weird thing is that it was working perfectly 1 month ago

It’s an SSD, that’s what worries me the most

Wow that’s a lot of info, thank you!

I don’t even know what a zpool scrub is lol, do you have some resources to learn more about ZFS? 1TB pool and 2 500GB pools, with 32GB of RAM, No deduplication and LZ4 compression

Best Filesystem for NAS?
A year ago I set up Ubuntu server with 3 ZFS pools on my server, normally I don't make copies of very large files but today I was making a copy of a ~30GB directory and I saw in rsync that the transfer doesn't exceed 3mb/s (cp is also very slow). What is the best file system that "just works"? I'm thinking of migrating everything to ext4 EDIT: I really like the automatic pool recovery feature in ZFS, has saved me from 1 hard drive failure so far

I switched to podman half a year ago and it was a mess, I had a lot of compatibility and permission issues also, it’s hard to support red hat after the drama

Thanks for the help! I’m trying to install the driver from the official repo but I don’t know what version shoud I use for a headless docker setup with a 1050.

I think that’s what went wrong last time, I tried to install the driver from the NVIDIA documentation thinking that “I’ll just work” just like in windows 😓

Edit: I’ve solved it, now it works perfectly, Thanks again

I didn’t know about it, thanks! I’ll give it a try 😄

NVIDIA GPU on a docker headless system
Hi there! I have an old pc that I use as a server (I use Ubuntu Server) and I would like to add a NVIDIA 1050 to it (for jellyfin and guacamole). In the past I tried to do it and somehow I corrupted the system when installing the video drivers, I have always had complications when installing NVIDIA drivers on Linux. Could any of you help me know what is the right way to install the video drivers on a headless system and use it correctly with docker compose? Thanks in advance 😄