Canadian, Stone Mason, Ex-Pat living in the UK.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


Thanks so much for taking the time to give me this info.

Ah, yeah, sorry. Currently I’m using WireGuard, but I’m open to using something else.

I’ll have a look at Tail/Headscale, this was very informative, thank you very much.

Some users just need to be able to exit my home network.
I would like to, maybe, in the future have a file server/jellyfin, have access to other devices on my network and if I’m somewhere with low enough latency stream games off steam.

Just wanted to say, thanks for asking me for further details. You could have been a dick about my unclear initial post, and I appreciate your just picking away at it until I was a bit more specific about what I was actually asking for.
If this was reddit the whole thing would’ve been a fair bit more hostile.

VPN needs to come in from my domain IP, but exit from my network. What network security best practices should I be implementing?

Journey into self-hosting
So, I have a rpi4b that's currently running a VPN for family abroad. I'm just finishing setting up Ubuntu server 24.04LTS(I have limited number of USB sticks, and the largest is only 8gb, so this choice was one of size, I can go into ones I had considered before) on an old laptop. For my small business I've also bought a domain for a work email, and eventually a website both are/will be hosted externally as I don't want to faff about with securing those aspects on my home network. The VPN though, that is currently pointing to no-ip dns service, and I want to migrate that to both the laptop and my own registered domain. What's best practices here? I do need the VPN to exit through to my network, so that my MiL can watch UK streaming from abroad(TV licence shenanigans).