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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


So the error is because a service is already running on port 80 (http). This could be nginx or apache depending on configuration. Nginx is very useful if you plan to run more than one service in the container. And it’s more trusted security wise than I would trust Lemmy right now tbh. I would maybe configure Lemmy to run on a different port locally, and setup an nginx site to proxy to port 80.

It’s been a while since I’ve messed with devops stuff though, so I may be misremembering a bit.

Yeah makes it easier to identify new stuff. Like I recently added a new NAS into my network, and I didn’t have to try and figure out which device it was identified as. Just sitting at 200.1 so I could give it a name and assign a static IP.

I live alone. So I just have reserved IPs for each of my devices. Any new device gets assigned >200 so that I can easily identify new stuff, or rogue devices - which hasn’t happened lol. The only special IP is my pihole that gets next to my router since I consider it infrastructure basically. Plus pihole is my dhcp server and dns obviously