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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


Just give them access to it now? There shouldn’t be any issue with it continuing to be available or a while if you should get hit by a bus.

primebuy looks like a ripoff of amazon, insight looks legit, but you’ll probably get what your order from either site

You should consider opnsense instead of pfsense in any case.

Why separate it? It’s part of the same stack. Radar downloads, Jellyfin plays.

Ebay. If you’re outside the US, you’ll probably be better off with a more local site.

I usually find the cheapest drives and buy multiple of those, but you should be able to assemble a RAID out of different disks, though you’ll be limited to the space of the smallest one in the mirror set.

Also make sure that your RAID systems supports this.

I don’t think OP has backups.

Having one, the other, or both depends on how sure you need to be about recovery, and whether you care about it being available until recovery.

Definitely upgrade the RAM. Also get at least two drives in RAID or ZFS or something so you can tolerate a failure. And keep backups too, if you can’t afford to lose data.

Just ping it?

Actual traffic might be slightly different, but honestly on a LAN you shouldn’t need to worry about latency. But you’re not going to be able to run iperf3 on that router in any case.

Reconsider how much of that 8tb really needs to be backed up. Thousands of pictures of your cat aren’t really going to be missed, and your Linux ISOs can be redownloaded.

I have never known RPM of a drive to affect its noise level. The fan(s) will be far more significant in noise level. Most drives run pretty quietly, though some can get noisy during I/O, like my HGST Ultrastar He6 drives.

Also, without knowing the model, I wouldn’t say they’re not made to run 24/7. But even on desktop drives, it’s rarely run time that kills them, it’s start-stop cycles. Everything will be fine, but one day you’ll shut it down and some drives won’t spin up. That’s why power outages can be deadly to an old server.

A more modern processor probably has better power efficiency. But this one should support features like turning off some of the cores or throttling down when not needed.

You could also see if you can get one with lower power consumption, like even the 6700T.

Whichever one is better supported by the containers you want to run.

You need two Proxmox nodes for HA.

Virtual networking is also not a great idea in the homelab. It’s better if you do have HA, but even so, if you screw it up and break something in Proxmox, you’ll be without any network access to look for help online (except on your phone, so good luck retyping commands or transferring files).

I tried switching a while back, but I found a bunch of stuff didn’t work properly, and wasn’t considered supported. I don’t remember what it was exactly.

I might try it again once there’s been a bit more development and community use. Docker isn’t ideal, but at least it works and there’s a lot of community support.

And nothing of value was lost. Opnsense is still free and open source, and doesn’t start petty drama insulting its competitors.


The only thing I can think of is to do a restore of all the backups in sequence, assuming they’re all of the same thing. That would give you one consolidated image. Then you could run some deduplication and take a new single backup, if desired.

But really it’s so subjective that I don’t think there’s really any way to automate it. I would mount all the backups, go through everything, pick out what you want to keep, and delete the rest.

Look at it this way. If you’ve had the backup for years, and never needed to restore any of those files, how likely are you ever need them in the future? Even if you did delete something you later wanted, how life-threatening would it be to not have it?

Or you could take the easy way out and just add more storage.

If your goal is network security, you’d probably be best off deploying something like Security Onion.

After the basics like having a firewall, making sure you have the strongest wireless encryption your devices support (WPA3 probably, WPA2 if 3 isn’t supported), stuff like that.

That’s literally it. It sends a cert for amazon.com, that your client trusts, because the CA cert used to sign it is in your trusted store.

If you manage to fit the second drive, I’d keep the OS on the first drive and put your VM data on the second.

If you have a bunch of nodes, what do you need redundant NICs for? The other nodes should pick up the slack.

It’s unlikely for the NIC or cable to suddenly go bad. If you only have one switch, you’re not protected against its failure, either.

Proxmox is just Debian under the hood. You can boot into rescue mode.

If you didn’t get the refund, chargeback.

I would just use a backup tool to get everything on the computer.

I am not, and this is a very small and generic community, so the members here have limited experience with less-common tools. The more background you can provide, the better.

Can you explain what exactly you’re looking for? Usually a simple database only requires simple administration, so tools like phpmyadmin and pgadmin are sufficient.

Hmm. I would probably use some kind of SATA to eSATA adapter for the least amount of purchasing.

But if you want to have small form factor compute nodes, I’d suggest replacing the dumb enclosure with a smarter (and faster) NAS or SAN. This way, you wouldn’t be relying so much on janky hacks.

That’s what modern endpoint security is, really. Traditional AV is dead. There are far too many people making malware for file signatures or heuristics to keep up. Instead, you want to look for behavior on the system and on the network. For example, if a program starts reading every file it can find on the network, and changing then from their current formats to unreadable blobs, that’s probably ransomware and should be stopped. Plain old AV probably won’t catch it on the client because of how frequently it gets modified (plus all the various evasion techniques), nor on the server because nothing unusual is running on the server.

I didn’t actually implement it, but it looked like the winner last time I looked. I’d also recommend starting there.

For work it’s all Windows so we use MECM.

That site literally has links to the source material.

Yes, doing it directly instead of downloading then uploading is generally faster. As is wired instead of wireless.

Sure, but you’re going to be pulling it out either way. When you do, inspect it.

The easiest thing to do would just be to pull it out and look at it. The break might be obvious.

The Google warning page isn’t from a scan. I’ve seen it show up when visiting an entirely internal site in Chrome. It’s not exposed to the Internet, and the domain name doesn’t even exist in public DNS.

I think you should be able to run containers directly on Proxmox, and have enough RAM to run one VM for the thing that can’t be containerized.

When you buy something off craigslist and swap out half the parts it’s neither $250 nor pre-built.

I don’t.

I currently use, set DHCP to 100-199, and statically assign a few servers outside that range. Anything else can use DNS via DHCP because I use Windows for AD/DNS/DHCP.