I’m just this guy, you know?

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


I looked into SearX but didn’t need all the extra features it has

Correct. And it’s such a tiny, simple Docker install you could theoretically run it locally instead of a server.

One of my favorites is Whoogle, a simple Google search proxy. It accepts search requests and forwards them to Google anonymously, then strips out the AMP links and tracking. There’s even an option for it to use Tor so your IP address changes frequently.

Absolutely. Though putting it on 443, which is regularly port scanned as well, is the opposite of security through obscurity.

It’s more about gaining access from inside a network that doesn’t allow outbound on 22. For the web to work it would need 443 so connecting out on 443 might work

I was able to reduce that to just SSH by having my Wireguard host on a VPS and connecting out from home. Running SSH on 443 is a neat idea.

I’m lazy and don’t want to remember more than three digits in an IP address or secure all my devices like they’re publicly routable so I’m sticking with IPv4