• 7 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


I will also mention that we are setting this up with x86_64 architectures and arm if that matters.

Should probably move that info to the main post.

Do you have a guide or any documentation to help me and my buddy out, like I said I can post logs later if that would be helpful?

K3S over tailscale
Hey everyone, my friend and I are wanting to learn kubernetes and we wanted to set up K3S, the problem being we are in two different physical locations. What we would like to do is setup K3S to operate over tailscale but are running into issues with it. I am currently at work and can post error logs later but I was just wondering if anyone had any guides they could point me to? Thanks, Sandbag

OpenLdap vs 389ds
Hey everyone, I asked about LDAP about a week ago and most people told me to use openLDAP. Now as I've read the openSUSE documents, it says to use 389ds, again I ask what's the main difference? Thanks!

Let’s encrypt?
Hey everyone, Just a quick question, let's encrypt, what is it and how can I take advantage of its services? For a bit of background I'm trying to setup KanIDM and the need for a ca certificate is needed, I was told to use let's encrypt to create it. Just looking for knowledge. Thanks!

User management
Hey everyone, How do you do user management, I have a small handful of users that want one password for physical machines and for web apps. I was looking at KanIDM but I was wondering what other people use? Edit: I would like to only use one piece of software if possible.

Tailscale with XCP-NG
Has anyone here deployed XCP-NG with Tailscale for remote access?

LLDAP guide
Hey Everyone, Just wanted to ask if anyone has some more user friendly guides for setting up lldap? I've read through the github page but can't seem to wrap my head around it.

Is moving to IPv6 worth it?
The question above for the most part, been reading up on it. Also want to it for learning purposes.