
“Finnegans Wake is the greatest guidebook to media study ever fashioned by man.” - Marshall McLuhan, Newsweek Magazine, page 56, February 28, 1966.

I have never done LSD or any other illegal drugs, but I have read FInnegans Wake:

Lemmy tester, “RocketDerp” is my username on GitHub

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


Lemmy is written in Rust, I don’t think any other ActivePub platform uses Rust.

Lemmy is written in Rust, I don’t think any other platform uses Rust.

Up until early July, Lemmy was damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Federation had massive performance overhead due to some bugs and each additional instance that went online and subscribed to the big 4 popular servers was causing an even worse load problem than if say 30 users had joined directly. Especially instances that wanted a fully populated All listing, that meant every single thing was being sent to the server even if nobody was really reading that stuff.

And things like searching for topic content are going to be pretty limited given these newer servers don’t have much history.

The aftermath of this attempt to scale is that there is also likely a lot of duplicate data, conversations that are mostly repetitive and posts to the same topics. Let alone the bugs Lemmy has federating deletes and moderation removal that doesn’t impact direct users on the main servers as much.

your post got duplicated, this is the 2nd copy