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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 09, 2023


Thanks, this has been added to unraids community app store BTW so hopefully you get a good uptick in users from there.

Immich but it has a lot of breaking changes, good news is that going stable is on their road map for this year. They also joined FUTO.

For 1k you can build a beast.

Just throwing out an option if you aren’t aware, gohardrives on ebay and on their site sell used Hdds. 10Tb for $80. The catch is they’ve been used in data centers for 5 years. The company will guarantee the drives for an addition 5 years and it could save you a lot of money depending on how much you want to risk it. I went with 3, one being a parity drive in case other goes bad.

Make sure you’re straighting them out before hand with the tip of a screwdriver makes it easier. Also look for rj45 connectors with a load bar, makes it a lot easier since you can feed them one at a time and make sure they are aligned properly, often they also come with pass through connectors and you should be able to do that in no time.