• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


Yea that’s basically the reason why I can’t use a VPN.

In fact there isn’t really a problem to leave your phone connected to the selfhosted VPN all the time. If split tunneling works properly, only traffic that access your home network would actually go through the VPN, all others will just get bypassed.

But in my case, I already need to be connected to another VPN most of my day, so can’t really go this route.

Limited container access is a good point. Noted.

I think the APP itself is fine, but would an API access give attackers a mean to brute force into it? Sorry no expert here.

The official wiki talks about securing password login with fail2ban. I guess this is not needed in my case, as it’s handled at the Authelia level.

Is it considered bad practice to expose selfhosted services on public internet?
I see a lot of people here uses some form of remote access tool (VPN/Tailscale) to access their home network when not at home. I can’t really do this because my phone (iOS) can only activate one VPN profile at a time, and I often need this for other stuff. So I chose to expose most web based services on the public internet, behind Authelia. But I don’t know how safe this is. What I’m really unsure are things like Vaultwarden: while the web interface is protected by Authelia (even use 2FA), its API address needs to be bypassed for direct access, otherwise the mobile APP won’t work. It feels like this is negative everything I’ve done so far.

Since over 90% percent of the time I’m on a personal device, I would rather have this on by default, and only specifically uncheck if I’m on a public device. Yea it only takes a second to check it, but another annoyance is that iOS would only show the big blue button to auto fill when you first load the page. After any interaction, it’s gone. I’m not sure if there is an Authelia setting that I’m unaware of. I looked through the online doc and couldn’t find anything about this. Thanks!