• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023

Multiple HDDs in a RPi5 vanish
Hey, I'm really stumped by this issue so perhaps one of you folks might be able to help me out here. I run a little server on an RPi 5.i got for another project originally. So ce I cannot finish said project due to time constraints, I repurposed the thing into a little server. It's running smoothly so far with one really weird exception. Whenever I attach more than 1 HDDs to the pi and use at least 2 at the same time, both HDDs will start to fail, unmount and the whole USB hubs I connected them to will just disappear from LSUSB. Originally I thought this was a power issue but the weird behavior continues when I connect each HDD to it's own powered USB hub. I'm really at a loss as to what's happening. Any ideas?

Anything that ends the bullshit one has to put up with with private trackers is a boon

I’m always very wary of systems that require a user to deviate as much from the “usual” structure almost all other services use. HAOS has really weird configs and “all the functionality” that presumably breaks when you use docker and don’t have the supervisor for docker… well… If what HA did was the way to go… whi is it that tons of services use docker’s rather powerful internal networking features just fine but HA of all things can’t do that and requires weird addons that for some reason cannot live on any other system than a Debian with weirdly specific modifications (bye bye cgroupsv2)? This will break most other functionality of that host Debian. I mean… if only there was a widespread-way to provide a highly customized Linux kernel in an ephemeral environment that can just be plugged in and out of a host machine without changing the host machine itself… Nah, can’t have that, let’s cause more overhead with a VM…

I’m not willing to make that kind of modifications to my whole setup just for HA and in the long run, this rift between “the way it’s usually done” and “The HA-Way” will become bigger and bigger, causing more and more problems.

Nah, but I live in one of the cities MAN is named after. No that this would mean anything, but hey… :P

You can ditch the first sentence there.
Zip ties is always the solution. Period.

Suggestions wanted: Self hosted newsletter unsubscriber
Hey there, I recently got increasingly annoyed by all the newsletters that keep to pop up in my (admittedly rather old) E-Mail-Accounts and I thought it might be a cool idea to have them unsubscribed from in bulk. Now I know of services like unroll.me, but those will of course scrape everything they can from your mail account. So: Is there any self-hosted alternative to these services so I can run them myself? Thanks in advance :)

Okay, I think we can wrap this up: OP started with “I don’t want to be convinced of the predominant oppinion about security” and kept their word.
OP: You got your answer. There is no alternative to ClamAV. ClamAV is open source so it will always be slower than apt update in fixing vulnerabilities.
You can wonder why the whole community that created tons and tons of cool shit for Linux with armies of talented people with way more IT knowledge than all of us combined didn’t dedicate their time to Viruses. You can ask yourself how a virus would even get on your server… or you can not. Your choice. But the answer is: There is no alternative to ClamAV and ClamAV is set up mainly to detect Windows-Viruses that get spread by Mail-Attachments and the like.

For everyone here: I decided on restic and wrote a little script that backs up basically all docker volumes after stopping all containers. Now I just gotta collect and save all relevant docker compose scripts somewhere (and incorporate all the little changes I made to the containers after deployment)

Got it running, now how do I back it up?
Hey there, I'm in need of a bit of wisdom here: I recently got myself a shiny new Vserver and have it running exclusively with docker containers that use regular volumes. Now: how would I back this thing up? I mean, I have read a lot about borg for example, but I'm not sure how to do it the right way: Do I just copy / to a repo and fiddle the data back in place if stuff goes wrong, or would it be wiser to backup the volumes, do a docker save and export the images to a folder and then send that to the storage box? Since docker should stop the containers to prevent data inconsistency during a backup: How do I tell Borg to do that? I've seen several approaches (Borg Dockerized with some sort of access to docker's .sock, Borg setup on the host, and some even wilder approaches). Since Backups aren't something you can "try again" once you need them, I'd rather have a solution that works.