• 7 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


Please add a disclaimer to the documents stating it was machine translated. Machine translation can get it wrong or take liberties, make up stuff. Please inform your readers so they can be on the lookout.

Keep in mind the translated stuff by machine translation won’t be 100% what you say in your native language to other students. Be careful not to spread wrong information or knowledge.

I think I solved the permission issue? See edit in the main post.

Sorry that’s on me. That’s one thing I removed from the pastebin file on purpose, it’s here in the real one. I copy paste my path to be sure it’s correct.

LinguaCafe - Confused why the provided docker-compose doesn’t work.
Hello everyone, Recently found LinguaCafe and decided to spin it up. There's a provided docker-compose with just volumes to specify to your own taste. Pretty easy right? I can't make it work. Spent nearly two hours already trying to figure out what I'm missing. Can someone take a look at my compose file and tell me where I'm stupid? _____________ EDITS Progress has been made, I used chmod 777 on the whole app directory and now get the following error : Illuminate\Database\QueryException SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'linguacafe'@'ip adress censored' (using password: YES) (SQL: select count(*) as aggregate from `users`) ________________ Here's a somewhat anonymized pastebin, I just removed the password and my name from the file. The rest is basically the file provided by the github + my paths. https://pastebin.com/u2cbWm2n https://github.com/simjanos-dev/LinguaCafe What happens is, my containers spin up apparently properly. But when I go to :9191, I have this: https://imgur.com/a/PiazCcP I did sudo chmod 777 /home/user/Documents/Docker/LinguaCafe/temp -R as instructed by the documentation. Never had that happen before. Does anyone know? Thanks

Trouble moving a container and its data to another server
Update Oct 6 : I have been messing around the idea of permissions but just got back from work so this is very much Work In Progress. What I noticed is that the "postgres" folder inside the Docker folder that has the docker-compose file had a lock icon on it. https://imgur.com/a/lZir4tt The owner is weird and doesn't exist on the other computer. I don't explain how this owner was created and that may be due to my poor understanding of Docker and docker-compose. So I have made a pastebin with the docker compose here if anyone is interested in this little puzzle : https://pastebin.com/Vsh6S23G This docker-compose is basically the one from the installation guide from the app website, I just changed some passwords and users related stuff which are written as . I tried using Déjà Dup Backups to sync my entire Docker folder which also contains Tandoor and it complained it could not sync the postgres folder either so defo something wrong with the permissions. Which explains why I can't create a new recipe on the other computer, because it doesn't have permission for that specific task. Oddly enough, I get a server 500 error, but if I refresh the recipe list, the new recipe that led to the server 500 error is, actually, there. Would a pastebin of the .env help? ORIGINAL POST : Hello again, I hope it's okay that I make several posts in a rather short time, I'm stumped. I run a series of containers on old computer A for the recipe manager Tandoor Recipes. I want to move it to another computer B so I initially thought I would: -copy the env and docker-compose -dump the source database Move everything to the new computer, compose everything and fill the database from the dump. I got 500 server errors so I went on Discord and asked what was the proper way of doing this. I've been told in theory I could shut everything down, pack my Tandoor folder in a zip, paste it on the target computer B and boot everything and voilà. None of this works properly. I do manage to get an instance of Tandoor running on my new computer, it displays every recipe I had originally, but it has an issue when trying to create a new recipe. I get a white page with "Server Error (500)". It does not happen on the original Tandoor, despite being all the same files in theory. I noticed that on my source computer, the postgres DB directory changes permission when I start the container, as well as the directory containing the recipe pictures. So I'm wondering if wrong permissions might be corrupting data while copying stuff? Thanks

Need help understanding a back-up script
Hello everyone! I had a container with a DB crap itself yesterday so I'm trying to speed up my learning to back up stuff. I came across a script that taught me how to back-up a containerized postgres db at given intervals and it works. I managed to create db dumps and restore them. I've documented everything and now my whole docker-compose/env etc are on git control. There's one part of the script I don't decypher but I'd like to maybe change it. It is about the number of back-up copies. Here's the line from the tutorial: `ls -1 /backup/*.dump | head -n -2 | xargs rm -f` Can someone explain to me what this line does? I'd like to keep maybe 3 copies just in case the auto-backup backs up a rotten one. Thanks! Full code below: ``` backup: image: postgres:13 depends_on: - db_recipes volumes: - ./backup:/backup command: > bash -c "while true; do PGPASSWORD=$$POSTGRES_PASSWORD pg_dump -h db-postgresql -U $$POSTGRES_USER -Fc $$POSTGRES_DB > /backup/$$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S).dump echo ""Backup done at $$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S)"" ls -1 /backup/*.dump | head -n -2 | xargs rm -f sleep 86400 done" ```

Here to ask questions too. Is it necessary to add stuff to etc/hosts for this to work man only? Do I have to do portforwarding on my routeur and to what?

I’ve been trying to achieve exactly that for a week now and none of my attempts load at all.

Is there a resource or YouTube guide explaining all this so I actually know what I’'m doing?

Docker container reappears constantly after “rm” or “rm -f”
Hello everyone, I have containers that I want to get rid of because I can't make them work, but I can't seem to get rid of them. I'm using Portainer usually and the remove command on the container works, but they shortly reappear as newly created containers. I moved to the terminal to try and sudo it out of existence manually, docker ps, the containers are here. So I sudo docker stop , the terminal confirms. Then sudo rm -f , confirmed again. Docker ps shows they are gone, but a minute later another docker ps shows they are back up again. I've looked it up online and people mentioned it might be running as a service. The command "docker service ls" returns an empty list. How can I nuke those containers?

[SOLVED] Plex (and Jellyfin too) don’t see the content of /media (docker/debian)
Hello, I need some help with plex/jellyfin (I have the same difficulty with both.) Note that I am brand new to Linux and Self-hosting, I'm using the home media server as a cool and useful project to learn Linux before moving away from Windows as I acknowledge I have a lot to learn in Linux before considering migrating in a smooth manner. I'm here to learn and I don't request to be spoon-fed a solution because I would ideally like to end up knowing more and be able to solve this myself next time. Description of project: I'm trying to setup a local home media server running on 192.168, nothing fancy online. --- Update --- The comments below helped. My docker run was wrong and missing a source:target. Eventually I got it working and on my way also learned how to map an NTFS external drive with fstab! My media server is up and running! --- Distro --- Debian Bookworm Goal --- Install Plex on the Debian bookworm laptop and access music library locally Issue --- Library /home/user/media/data is seen and added to Plex but no actual files or sub-directory are then located | Notes --- Ran in docker container --- How I setup plex's docker: ``` sudo docker run \ -d \ --name plex \ --network=host \ -e TZ="<timezone>" \ -e PLEX_CLAIM="*My claim got I got online*" \ -v /home/*user*/.config/plex/config \ -v /home/*user*/plex/transcode \ -v /home/*user*/media/data \ plexinc/pms-docker ``` What I have tried/noticed: - I tried two versions of the above, one with "config" instead of ".config" but after running the container, no folder was created. I saw the ".config" and thought it was logical to have my config files go into the existing ".config" so I tried again with the new directory. However, no plex related config exist in there? - I tried messing with the permissions on the directories. The data directory (/home/*user*/media/data) is currently on 777. If I understood permissions correctly, it means the user, every user in the group of the directory, and everyone else have read, write and execute permissions. Correct? - I thought maybe it was an issue with name or file format. I tried with a file named 1.mp3 and then a.mp3 but in any case, the file was not seen. - I found this https://trash-guides.info/Hardlinks/How-to-setup-for/Unraid/ and copied the directory setup. - Reinstalled from scratch - Reboot - apt update/upgrade even though I don't think it would do anything? - I ignored the "timezone" field in the docker run, is that bad? I'm not sure what format to input. I'm out of ideas with my limited and new knowledge. Can you help me out? I can provide screenshots and more detailed information, just tell me what you need.

Source for tutorials and a question?
Hello everyone New to Linux, new to self hosting, and struggling a bit but making progress. I have two questions: 1 Is there a YouTube channel or a website with tutorials and explanations for the dummies like me? Something eli5 with easy words to start with and understand the basics. 2 I see a lot about nginx and reverse proxy and not sure I need it. I want to run a couple apps on my local network to be able to access it on any computer inside the house and, for now, nowhere else. Do I need nginx? What about port security? I'm worried my lack of understanding regarding ports would make my home network vulnerable. But since for now I only use 192.168.1 , i'd say I'm safe from intruders? I acknowledge it's all surely basic but I'm not sure where to find a comprehensive source of learning instead of googling bits and pieces. Thanks

Can I use the SD card port of my laptop to install a server?
Hey! Long story short, I'm interested in Self hosting stuff and want to wet my feet a bit with a spare laptop I have. The main nvme drive is used by windows 10, and it has a 250 Go SD card. I've been trying to install TrueNAS Scale and YunoHost on the SD card to no avail. I have seen people on forums say they had stuff installed on an SD card but I'm starting to doubt it. Can it work? I think I need some help but I don't know what info might be useful.