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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 28, 2023


I have a self-hosted Baikal server with self-signed CA on Android 14 and it works.

However, I didn’t had to add the certificate to Davx⁵ itself. Adding a rootCA into your device and your reverse proxy handling the request should work as expected over https.

Those kind of things are difficult to troubleshoot, this could be:

  • Bad rootCA certificate, missing the necessary options ?
  • Wrong certificate handled by your reverse proxy ?
  • Radicale doesn’t recognize your certificate extension ?
  • Wrong networking configuration ?
  • Bug ?

We need more infos about your setup:

  • Do you use a reverse proxy ?
  • Had you already any success with this certificate within an other application ?
  • Any logs from your Android, Davx⁵?

While I’m not able to give it a try right now (just woke up, need to get ready for work…) I just wanna thank you for sharing your work and contributing to the community !!

It looks neat and simple :) !!!

Yep, Debian for sure ! 3 years ago I settled for debian on an old spare laptop, It’s still cruisen with more than 21 containers !! Sure I had a few fresh installs because skill issues, lack of proper configuration, user mistakes… But it’s probably the easiest to maintain and learn as a beginner !

No idea what’s your level and how close you’re with computers and how much time you have to spare, but don’t be afraid to make mistakes and try a few things out.

If you are like me just a plain old geek who knew his way arround computers and used Hamachi back in the days, thinking you were a HAKKER… Get ready to get your ass kicked !

While self-hosting and de-googling is fun, it also has alot of negative things:

  • Time consuming
  • Involves ALOT of Searxing/Reading
  • Debuggin (kinda…)
  • Learning the basics of at least 1 scripting language (consider bash your ally)
  • It’s an infinite rabbit hole that will suck you in and sometimes get to your nerves…

One of the best advice I could give you along the way is, If you’re stuck on a bug or something isn’t working as expected in your setup and It seems you couldn’t find any answer or similar issues on the web, you absolutly have to take a break, not a 5min cigarette break… A few hours bicycle/sleep break !!!

The next day you will for sure find a solution !!

Good luck, have fun and don’t forget to take time for yourself and people arround you !

Opening ports on your router is never safe ! There’re alot of bots trying to bruteforce opening ports on the web (specially ssh port 22)

With SSH I would disable the password authentication a only used key based authentication. Also disable root access. (Don’t know how it works with forgero though)

I would recommend something like wireguard, you still need to open a port on your router, but as long as they don’t have your private key, they can’t bruteforce it. (You can even share the wireguard tunnel with your friend :))

Also use a reverse proxy with your docker containers.

There are a lot of things you could do to secure everything, but If you relatively new to selfhosting, there’s a steep learning curve and a lot of time needed to properly secure everthing up. You could be safe by doing nothing for a few months but as soon as someone got into your system, you’re fucked !

But don’t discourage yourself, selfhosting is fun !

Maybe syncthing could fit your flow? OMV syncthing.

I have no idea if it works or if that’s something you would implement, but syncthing is pretty good :).

I use it to sync my encrypted backups between my devices (even my phone has my server backups). Never had any issue !

Thank your for the write up 😁 Glad you solved your issue !!

Here is something you can work on. You could try to mount your volumes as named volume as per this docker-compose file, so that docker takes care of permissions and ownership of the files.

If I understand it correctly you want to use an external drive or a drive partition ? You can’t directly use those partitions as named volume. You can also mount a SAMBA/CIF mounted volume from your external drive/drive partition or NFS (read here).

Do not change this part in the docker-compose I shared above. This files needs to be located where It can find it.

      - ./deploy/docker/local_settings.py:/home/mediacms.io/mediacms/deploy/docker/local_settings.py

This is what I would give a try. Apart from that, I can’t help you any further, maybe someone else would come up with a better idea :/.

This seems like a stupid permission issue ˆˆ’. Hope you will find your way arround !

Yeah, sorry about that… Seems alot of python is involved.

Can you check your permission on "pg_logical/snapshots" in your folder ?

drwx------ 1 70 root 512 Apr 21 15:40 postgres_data

drwx------ 1 70 70 0 Apr 21 14:41 pg_snapshots

I just spinned up the docker compose bare bone without any modification just to see if it actually works on localhost. Just a checkup to see if by default it works, and yes I can login from my host IP:PORT without any issues.


I just changed the default port, because 80 is already used and gave the admin account a password.

Maybe this github anwser can be helpful ??

The compose stack seems not that easy to customize, In your position I would mount it bare bone a change things one/one reading through their admin docs !

My guess would be that changing the volume a few things are missing? I don’t know, docker issues a hard to troubleshoot when you’re not infront of the computer.

Try to open the web developer tools in your web browser, to look if there is anything useful. It’s different for every browser but on firefox: ≡ > more tools > Web Developer tools. Look into the network tab and refresh your page and try to login again. This can sometimes give you some hints what’s going wrong.

Also have you tried to log every container from the compose?

When you ls all containers do they seem healthy or does one do not start? docker container ls -a ?

Maybe something worthwhile looking at (was roaming the web to find something that could actually fit your request!) Mediacms it looks promising, but never tested it so you have to give it a try yourself :).

But seeing from the github repo, it looks like a selfhosted youtube CMS :) Just keep in mind to backup your data before giving it a try. I have no idea how stable it is.

Hope it helps !

You are probably talking about video content? I don’t have any advice concercing those, and I’m also interested if someone has some good self-hosted alternative for this kind of content.

On contrary, if you’re an ebook/webpage hoarder I had a long run in finding the best solution to keep my learning ebooks tidy and well organized.

If you are serious about learning through written textbook and web, having everything in one spot and also a buildin pdf reader, I really advise you to have a look at Zotero. Even if you are not a researcher it’s a very useful tool !

Also would suggest you to give the Zotero 7 beta a try instead of 6. Better UX, native macOS m1, linux, better pdf reader, webp reader… Alot of improvement !!

One thing you should be aware of, it’s their cloud syncing, which allow you to continue your work on another computer, which cost a bit of money. Nothing to exagerated though ! BUT if you’re a self-hoster you can sync your personal data folder through a bind volume/samba share/nfs/syncthing… What ever your poison is :).

Sorry if this doesn’t help in your quest of video content organization, but chances are, you’re also hoarding alot of pdf/web page content !

  • The MIT and Apache licenses are permissive licenses that allow developers to use the licensed code in proprietary projects without having to disclose the source code.

I understand that some projects needs these kind of license to protect their code, I get it. But this will most of the time shift the project to a closed proprietary/paid service over time… leaving the open source community with a strange feeling of being abused.

It’s not always the case, but it happened in the past, leaving people to fork the project and strating over.

  • Licensees may redistribute Derivative Work under different terms.

  • Licensees do not have to distribute the source code alongside with their Derivative Work.


Navidrome + Tempo is a must have for android users !

Only thing missing in Tempo android app, it’s multi-user account for those who want to share with family/friends over android.

It has been a while since I setup my wireguard server, if you host it on a linux system It can be easy as:

  • Install wireguard on your system
  • generate private/public key
  • create a wireguard config file with iptables rules
  • net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 on your server (yeah very important part)
  • open the wireguard UDP port on your router
  • configure clients

The first time you delve into, it can be Intimidating (at that time I was a total CLI/linux noob) if you are a beginner, but I think you will easily find your way :)

This tutorial seems rather complete and easy to follow with comments. Also, if you didn’t know, do not blindly copy/past the commands from the web directly in your CLI.

Till yesterday I had a fix public IP to reach my owncloud via port forwarding from my work laptop and as well my two desktop (outside my network)

Disable that port forwarding on your router, and install a wireguard server and forward that port only.

It’s free and works like a charm. It’s simple and elegant, and I can access all my containers from everywhere in the world!

Dunno your work policies, and what you’re allowed to setup or not, but this is the “best way” I know.

Yeah, I know !

How I do it:

I bought a mobile holder for bicycles, and put it on the cart when I’m in the store. It works, its not perfect but I does what I need !

But i totally agree that the grocery list could be better integrated, but it’s FOSS, self-hosted and free. So I’m happy :)

I really like tandoor reciepe. Maybe not exactly what your are looking for, but who knows :).

I like how the meal planner works and that you can save your own meal reciepes, add them to a grocery list…

BUT it is maybe a bit too complex and to much features?