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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 08, 2023

Netflix on AndroidTV still blocks me with wireguard connection
Hey guys, I selfhost a server at home where I run a couple of services. Wireguard is one of them. I also have another house where I live every couple of weeks for a few days. Netflix blocked me on the second house for account sharing. As I run my own wireguard and the tv in the second house runs AndroidTV I created a wireguard config (I run wg-easy) and installed the official Wireguard app on AndroidTV. Sadly netflix still blocks me which is weird because all traffic of that tv seems to be running over the tunnel. Here is the config: ` [Interface] PrivateKey = XXX Address = DNS = MTU = 1420 [Peer] PublicKey = XXX PresharedKey = XXX AllowedIPs = PersistentKeepalive = 0 Endpoint = vpn.XXXde:51820 ` I also posted this on reddit selfhosted where it sadly got removed. Some suggestions were that somehow DNS requests or IPv6 traffic still got through without using the wireguard tunnel which doesn't make much sense because usually the wireguard app puts everything through the tunnel. I also edited the conf to also tunnel all ipv6 traffic with adding ::/0 under allowed IPs but that also didn't resolved the problem. Is there anything else I could try? Are there different solutions? I'm aware that there are other approaches to this problem (using Jellyfin) but I really want to figure out this problem as it doesn't make any sense to me. The whole traffic should be going over my home server and it seems it doesn't. Has anyone gotten this kind of setup to work? Thanks for any help, have a good day!

I don’t know if it was mentioned already but how could I check if my ports are under “attack”? OPs graphic looks really nice

Need help with SearXNG in docker - cp: can’t create ‘/etc/searxng/uwsgi.ini’: Permission denied
Hey guys what's up, first post on Lemmy here. I tried to get a SearXNG instance to run on my home server but cannot seem to get it to work. **.env** ``` # By default listen on https://localhost # To change this: # * uncomment SEARXNG_HOSTNAME, and replace by the SearXNG hostname # * uncomment LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL, and replace by your email (require to create a Let's Encrypt certificate) SEARXNG_HOSTNAME=search.xxxxx.com # LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL= ``` **docker-compose.yml** ``` version: '3.7' services: # caddy: # container_name: caddy # image: caddy:2-alpine # network_mode: host # volumes: # - ./Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile:ro # - caddy-data:/data:rw # - caddy-config:/config:rw # environment: # - SEARXNG_HOSTNAME=${SEARXNG_HOSTNAME:-http://localhost:80} # - SEARXNG_TLS=${LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL:-internal} # cap_drop: # - ALL # cap_add: # - NET_BIND_SERVICE redis: container_name: redis image: "redis:alpine" command: redis-server --save "" --appendonly "no" networks: - searxng tmpfs: - /var/lib/redis cap_drop: - ALL cap_add: - SETGID - SETUID - DAC_OVERRIDE restart: always searxng: container_name: searxng image: searxng/searxng:latest networks: - searxng ports: - "" volumes: - ./searxng:/etc/searxng:rw environment: - SEARXNG_BASE_URL=https://${SEARXNG_HOSTNAME:-localhost}/ cap_drop: - ALL cap_add: - CHOWN - SETGID - SETUID logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: "1m" max-file: "1" restart: always networks: searxng: ipam: driver: default #volumes: # caddy-data: # caddy-config: ``` **settings.yml** ``` # see https://docs.searxng.org/admin/engines/settings.html#use-default-settings use_default_settings: true server: # base_url is defined in the SEARXNG_BASE_URL environment variable, see .env and docker-compose.yml secret_key: "THE_SECRET_KEY" # change this! limiter: true # can be disabled for a private instance image_proxy: true ui: static_use_hash: true redis: url: redis://redis:6379/0 ``` I commented out the caddy stuff in the docker-compose.yml as I have an extra instance of caddy that handles all the reverse proxy and cert stuff. Even if I run this with caddy not commented out I get the same errors. **Logs** ``` SearXNG version 2023.8.8+b8352eca0 Create /etc/searxng/uwsgi.ini cp: can't create '/etc/searxng/uwsgi.ini': Permission denied sed: /etc/searxng/uwsgi.ini: No such file or directory Use existing /etc/searxng/settings.yml Listen on realpath() of /etc/searxng/uwsgi.ini failed: No such file or directory [core/utils.c line 3662] SearXNG version 2023.8.8+b8352eca0 Create /etc/searxng/uwsgi.ini cp: can't create '/etc/searxng/uwsgi.ini': Permission denied sed: /etc/searxng/uwsgi.ini: No such file or directory Use existing /etc/searxng/settings.yml Listen on realpath() of /etc/searxng/uwsgi.ini failed: No such file or directory [core/utils.c line 3662] SearXNG version 2023.8.8+b8352eca0 ``` Any help is appreciated. This doesn't seem to be a common error out there as there is not much info on the web. Thanks and have a good day!