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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 20, 2023


Yea I’ve definitely had issues with my usb c ports on my laptop. The shitty thing is, my laptop ONLY has two ports, both being usb c. They’ve become loose over the years of wear and tear and I had a shop manage to replace one and he said the other is perfectly fine. I mean he had a tester and showed me the voltage or amperage and the ports work, but they are still so finicky. As mentioned, just the slightest little movement of a cable or flash drive and they disconnect and then reconnect. Super annoying. I can’t wait to get a dock so I dont have to depend on just these two usb ports and all the annoying adapters and such

Haha yes!!! Same here with Asus laptops. I’ve gone through two and had issues with both. Mainly touchpad issues. But that’s surprising to hear your stance on anker cables. Tbh I’ve found all usb c cables to be SUPER finicky thus far. Like sometimes just the slightest movement of the cable and it automatically disconnects. Heck one time my cat simple stepped on a cable and it caused a disconnection smh very annoying stuff

Thanks! I certainly do plan to venture into servers, but its a tad too confusing ATM as I’m currently trying to learn other things and projects right now. Homelabbing is definitely a future plan and goal of mine :)

Wow wow wow, you guys are light years ahead of me in the equipment department. I plan to learn and utilize a lot of that stuff but I was more interested in the smaller everyday things like chargers, cables, flash drives, adapters, etc lol still great info though. I was super intruided by supermicros server selection when I went down that rabbit hole. Truth is, I’m not nearly ready for a server yet.

Awesome thanks. What about the smaller stuff though??? Any personal preference?

Holy crap thats crazy! Are simple things like surge protectors pretty much equal? Is there a point in researching brands for such a presumably simple thing?

Nope, I just use a usb cable and charger that are powerful enough to charge my laptop

I gotcha, that makes sense. I’m really at the beginning of my homelab or self hosting journey. I’ve been exploring alot of random aspects and keep forgetting to think about the basic things first. My problem is figuring out how to start and setup things properly, but that’s a whole other thread/story lol

Well speaking of Amazon, I actually read that Amazon Basics is a great option for low level stuff like cables, chargers, adapters, etc.

I have heard alot of really good things about Mikrotik. I haven’t explored them as I haven’t had many networking needs, but maybe I’ll take a look at their offerings. Thanks

Awesome, good to hear. Another brand I’ve heard mentioned before as a good one too. There’s so much junk on Amazon, it can be sorta hard wading through all the crap to find the good ones lol

This is great to know, thanks. What do you plan to use as replacements? and do you typically try to stay with the same brand for most of your gear or does that not matter?

Ahh good to know. Adding to the list lol I’ve heard the name mentioned a few times but never really looked into their stuff. Thanks

That’s an interesting approach, but I don’t think I really have any equipment that would need an actual power brick lol who knows? I only have a laptop, cell phone, printer, and a few streaming devices on my network. None are very power intensive really. Unless Im totally misunderstanding your approach?

What are your go-to brands for any electronic, networking, computing accessories or peripherals?
Hi all, since ya'll are self hosters, I'm sure you all deal with all sorts of different pieces of hardware, accessories, peripherals, and what not; just wondering if you could please share your favorite, solid, "go to" brands for overall things you need for your setup such as cables (all types), adapters, dongles, power accessories, hubs & docks, flash drives, you name it! I'm sure it varies depending on exactly what type of equipment you're looking for but just looking for overall good brands to stick with for such things. I obviously know the main ones like Anker, Cable Matters, Ugreen, maybe Belkin, Idk. Would love to hear your recommendations! Thank you