Lettuce eat lettuce

Always eat your greens!

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 12, 2023


I’ve been thinking of using Linkwarden for a while now. As my computer usage spreads across more and more devices, having a single place to go for all my bookmarks would be fantastic.

Performance and how configurable things are, plus ease of use.

For instance, my default router/modem device from my ISP was super clunky and confusing. I needed to set up some custom port forwarding and firewall rules. The aftermarket router I bought was faster, had way better wireless coverage, and the UI was so much easier to set up the configs I needed.

So it’s up to you, from what you said, seems like you probably would be good with the default from your ISP.

Sorry for the slow reply. Yes, I mixed the chipset up with the socket lol.

The A380 is the same I’ve been looking at for my own home Media setup, should be plenty of encoding power for your use case.

Good luck!

If you’re on a budget, check out X99 socket Xeons. You can pick up Mobos and chips for super cheap. 10+ core hyper-threaded Xeons with solid clocks and a motherboard for 120-180 bucks total. Support 64 GB of RAM, more if you have a proper server board.

For transcoding, depending on the codec, dedicated GPU is best.

I’m not sure about Plex, but I know on Jellyfin, the new Intel Arc GPUs are really great for encoding, not too expensive for the lower end cards either, and low profile options for smaller rack cases.

XCP-ng or Proxmox if you need a bare metal hypervisor. Both open source, powerful, mature, and have large communities with lots of helpful documentation.

I think you can migrate ESXi VMs directly to XCP-ng. I have moved onto it about 6 months ago and it has been solid. Steep learning curve, but really great once you get the hang of it, and enterprise grade if you need stuff like HA clustering and complex virtual networking solutions.

When I first deployed Nextcloud, it was just like this. Random crashes, lockups, weird user signin issues, slow and clunky.

But one day it just started working and was super stable. I didn’t do anything, still not sure what fixed it lol.

Also an option I am considering. I prefer something a little more professional if possible, but not a bad option if I can’t get something else to work.

I’ll take a look at the 45 Drives case, thanks!

Back end is open but wall-mounted. If there is a way to mount the case forward a few inches so it leaves a gap in the back, that would be fine with me.

I haven’t found any brackets that seem to do that though.

Suggestions for Short Rack Mount Case
I have a very short equipment rack installed in my server closet. It is only 16 inches deep, fine for most networking uses, but not great for most rack-mount server cases. I am looking for case suggestions that would fit my rack, 16 inch depth maximum. Height isn't a problem, the rack has a ton of vertical space, over 15U, it's the depth that's an issue. Thanks!