Techie, software developer, hobbyist photographer, sci-fi/fantasy & comics fan in the Los Angeles area. He/him.

Website: #IndieWeb

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Cake day: Jun 11, 2023

Is there an alternative “lite” web front-end for Nextcloud?
My Nextcloud instance runs reasonably well on the server side, and my desktop and phone are able to render the web UI reasonably fast when I want to...but I also have a tablet with slow hardware and wifi that is just *unusably* slow with the Nextcloud web UI. Like, it'll take multiple seconds to render the login page, but only on this one device. Does anyone know of an alternative web UI for Nextcloud that's optimized for downloading and rendering on slow connections/hardware? Edit: I'm already using Nextcloud, and I'm using it for quite a few different services, some of which have native apps available, some of which don't, and of course even when an app is available, not all the features are implemented in it. The specific device I'm dealing with here is a Linux tablet, so while I can use native desktop applications for some features, it's not like it can just run Android apps. But the problem would apply to any comparably low-powered hardware like, say, an old laptop that can run native apps and efficiently-designed web applications well enough, but struggles with modern throw-a-million-javascript-libraries-at-it web development.

I tried setting up both for a local music server last year, and found Plex’s cloud requirements and constant upselling were more of a pain than it was worth. Jellyfin was the one I kept.

I think the tutorial posts are a great idea! Looking forward to the first one.

On my own hardware: At home I have a Raspberry Pi 4 running JellyFin as a local media server, also experimenting with PiHole. One of these days I’d like to pull my NextCloud server in-house.

VPS: Nextcloud (including calendar, notes, contacts & RSS/Atom), GoToSocial, WordPress, Gemini, and personal website with a mix of home-grown parts and sections managed through Eleventy.

I’ve also experimented with self-hosting Calckey , Snac2 and Mastodon, but Mastodon’s too heavy for a single user and Snac2 is lighter than I want to go with for now. I may try Calckey again at some point, though.

Eventually I’d like to set up Wallabag and migrate from Pocket.