• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2023

[RESOLVED] Oracle Cloud Instance Becoming Unresponsive
I"m relatively new to self-hosting and I have an instance on Oracle cloud with a few apps that I run. More recently this instance is becoming unresponsive every 30 minutes or so. It becomes impossible to SSH to it and any connection to it is dropped. Oracle Cloud says that it is unresponsive, forcibly rebooting it fixes the issue until it becomes unresponsive again in 30 minutes. I believe the most major thing I did since this started was installing Java and doing an "apt update" followed by "apt upgrade" after many months of not doing it. I have tried to turn off every service that I have running using pm2 and systemctl. No luck. Are there any tools that I can use to better understand why it is freezing like that? Edit: I ran the following command `systemctl --type=service --state=running` And noticed there was a Gnome Display Manager that was running and I wasn't using it. After disabling this service with `systemctl disable [servicename]` The server stopped crashing. Thanks for all the replies!

Is NextCloud worth it for a company?
I selfhosted my Nextcloud and really enjoyed it for personal use. One of my friends took a look into it and thought that it could be a good thing for his company that employees +200 people and growing... They are currently using Google Workspace but want to ditch it completely in favor of something that they can control themselves. So here's my question, is it worth to use NextCloud on a company of this size, is there a better alternative? Or should they just keep using Megacorporation's cloud solutions? If it is worth it, how much should I charge them for hosting it and doing the implementation and support?