• 2 Posts
Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Nov 16, 2023

Qbit + VPN in truenas?
I'm trying to figure out how can I install a VPN on truenas that hides my IP. I have tailscale running so I can remotely access Nextcloud and manage it doesn't hide my IP. Wouldn't really throught on using it but my country recently published a law to lick Big Corpo in the ass better, the fines are pretty big so that's why I'm interested. Can I install a commercial VPNs? Such as Proton VPN or Mulvad? Thought on installing a VM with a qbitorent and VPN but I don't have enough RAM and I can't upgrade it right now. Platform: Truenas-scale

[SOLVES]Help with Nexcloud on truenas scale
So I recently put togheter a NAS and now I'm trying to learn to use it. I got a few questions if anyone can point me to some documentation or tutorial: - Can I set up more users to access the same SMB folder? - How to set up the current version of Jellyfin? - How to remote access Nextcloud? If anyone runs into similar problems: - Jellyfin -> if kubernets gives "back off restarting ..." it most likely is a missconfiguration, what worked for me was enabling automatic permission to the folder with movies and music to 777 recursively (not secure but I haven't tried other permission yet - to access all apps: I just used tailscale and added in app configuration route and now it works flawlessly Thank you everyone for replies