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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jan 29, 2021


OpenSUSE MicroOS or Fedora CoreOS. If you’ll be using containers you’ll have a great time. If you don’t want to deal with transactional systems, then there is literally nothing I’d rather use than Debian.

I haven’t used Jellyfin with docker before, just with podman and as a pod in k3s. Both work great and are easy to maintain. If you’re more familiar with podman then docker, then I’d recommend using podman.

Just make sure to mount your volumes with the :z or :Z flags. I have disabled SELinux on servers in the past, but never when I’ve just used podman containers, since “it just works” with SELinux. Literally never had any problems with containers and SELinux.

I used to manage the file hierarchy myself, but I haven’t done that for years at this point. Same goes for tagging files and such. I just download everything to a root folder called “music” and let lidarr handle everything from there.

Lidarrs default file structure is something like {Artist}/{Album}{Year}/{Track} . This can of course be changed. Then I let lidarr just tag everything for me automatically, embedding album art and such.

It’s a great setup overall, but I don’t know where Lidarr indexes it’s music library from, because some artists and albums might be missing sometimes. That’s really the only pain point.